Prick Decay

Amazon had the whole series on sale for like $35 a couple months ago.

The girlfriend and I got a Roku and signed up for Hulu Plus, we haven't watched a lot of it, but they've got the whole series of The Bob Newheart Show!

Amanda Knox maybe, but Casey Anthony and Natalee Holloway? Bland.

Zizek has this theory that Hitchcock composed certain films around repeating visual motifs. Vertigo is a good example of this I think.
Do you think Chaplin was also just using those visual gags to build small scenes around?

Arab on Radar did reunite this year.

Ha! That's the pot calling the Sybil bl-

The storylines of Darkon and Whites were actually set up pretty much the same.
"Look at these freaks" for an hour, then 30 mins of "But wait! There's some humanity and motiviation here!"
The Darkon was just okay, but having lived in Maryland pretty much my entire life, I know guys like that pretty well.

Friday night I had a triple feature of I think we're alone now, Darkon and The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. Egads.

I love how much Pod People keeps coming back up.

I don't think Byrne has the vitriol of a Nick DiPaolo, but it was just so boring and hacky. One of the only episodes I couldn't finish.

I can't wait until the scene where he abandons lacrosse, despite the pleas of his family, to become a blues guitar player.


I don't think people are saying it was the best one, but a turning point in the series.
The Burn Unit episode was much funnier.

You could, but Will Smith was not.

Yeah, there is no way that was Jazzy Jeff.
Although he's not on a tv show, Jazz still gets a ton of attention in production work. I believe he produced that first Jill Scott album which must have made a nice dent in his wallet.

Marc Masters No Wave book on Black Dog press is amazing, also covers the filmmakers.
I don't know how hard a lot of that stuff is to find now, Teenage Jesus is on Itunes.

Was Dewayne Wayne a regular cast member too? Wasn't this on concurrently with A Different World? Strange photo indeed.

Agreed on the "Art Fair" although I thought the animal anus thing was kind of just okay, Louise's story was fantastic and it's really been getting better and better.

Was he really ever considered scary at one time though?
He was a G-rated rapper from the start.
Or do you mean in a business sense, for some company to take a risk on investing in him. I can see that, but at the same time, he had Quincy Jones in his corner who was still making more money than God with Michael Jackson.

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