Prick Decay

Mine wasn't. Freshman year, however, was pretty great. 93/94, grunge came into full swing. 97/98 was my senior year and it was surrounded by that saccharine Green Day song and the Titanic theme.

Pfft, Marty Bass got busted with prostitutes AND threw his toupee off in the middle of a broadcast.

Do you live in Maryland i and 1, those timely details are Locals Only kind of things.

I hope she and Subass celebrated.

Private Practice's exec producer is the star's husband isn't it?
Vanity project helmed by the star's doing-it has also brought us Julie Chen and Chelsea Handler!

Yeah, poor Dave.

Nobody looks tough in a shiny Adidas track suit.

I know a lot of cities have something similar, but the large birth of Baltimore area filmmakers doing the campy low-budget monster/horror films just really puts me off the whole genre at times. Which is a shame.

I've been in Baltimore forever and never heard of that Don Dohler guy, but it figures!

And the weird credit sequences that feature a completly different film than Pod People? That shit was so weird. I really wish Trumpy ate that annoying kid.

My girlfriend sat me down to "Paper Moon" and it was pretty awesome.
Also MST3K's "Pod People"

Irwin Chusid of WFMU has written extensively about The Shaggs, it may just be all on the interwebs though.

Get your house in order!

Sister Kate also had that episode where Milli Vanilli arrives to teach one of the orphans a valueable lesson about why it's not okay to lie.

I know it was a little lame, but the acoustic Iron Maiden covers were great.

The line about people protecting a rich tax cut because they hope one day to be rich was so simple I felt like a fool for never thinking about it that way before.

Everybody must get Dowd!

Isn't it strange that Cam and Mitchell live in the apartment?
They mentioned having an "upstairs neighbor" before, and I get that having a baby is expensive, but since Lily is a recent addition to a couple where one is a highly in demand attorney, you would think they would have gotten a house.

Yeah it was! I loved that episode. It would have been nice to hear more about Sally Wade's career too.

I think I liked it, but it was so distracting to see Von Trier be such a dick to Leth while he was talking about how much he admired him. It colored the way I watched the 5 remakes.