Prick Decay

Bat-fu? I thought it was 4th grad slap fighting.

Dyan Cannon is a total babe in that picture DPA.

Oh man, thank you for that link littlealex, that was the best.


I saw Avatar on a small television on a Bolt Bus coming home from New York.
You know, the way Camera intended it to be seen.

I feel better knowing the area of Jackson, Michigan is so thorougly protected.

"Learn a random person's fetish" can now be crossed off my daily to-do list.

He pulled a Chuck Berry and was videotaping the ladies restroom.

It's weird there's no mention of the therapist voice being so similar to the one in Prince Paul's Psychoanalysis.

Yeah, the production is not as urgent as Bastard. It sounds like he wants to mellow out a little bit, but not go as extreme as Lil B's "Rain in England".

No way, those kids don't have $130 to spare.

My friend Catherine Pancake made a "remake" of Bitter Tears that I really enjoyed. It's only a short film, but she's pretty talented.

The office that I work in was used as the Federal Building in those few episodes where McNulty goes to get things from the Feds.

Jesus, Murray.

Sports Night would be awesome.

Isn't the Adina Howard arc in the first season? That starts with the first episode and goes through the whole season.

Agreed with all of that, especially the Black Lagoon segments. And maybe the lady aviator one. Sparks Nevada really warmed up for me, but Beyond Belief is always outstanding.

Humoring basketcases doesn't just apply to acting.

Does anyone else think that Steve Gunn guy sounds really creepy?
Second episode he's been on, and he just sounds so lecherous.

Weren't the kids from Raooul really young too? Like 15?