Prick Decay

Walk? Really?

I just want Michael doing his dolphin impression again.

little bit of bush

I haven't seen any of Season 2, but I loved the animation of Season 1 because it looks like a wild ass Lynda Barry show.

All of your holiday parties center around abortions?
That does sound terrible.

Shilling for your podcast is one thing, cut n paste from your website so it looks like you're talking about yourself in the 3rd person is just laziness.

You don't know what that word means, do you?


Can you guys give a recommendation on episodes to try out?
I tried some of the best-of's, but I really dislike "funny songs". If they do those a lot it really wouldn't be my thing.

Nice, Fenchurch
I haven't read that True Account one in a while.
Didn't he die on Fire Island too?

I like Ashbery a bit, but have been really into Frank O'Hara the past year. I'm excited to do a reading at my best friends wedding, she requested O'Hara's "To The Harbormaster".

Yes! I saw it too, that exhibit was really interesting. That and the Maya Deren films in the basement made that trip for me.

Yeah, the sound of the hammer falling into that tub over and over again is maddening.
In the before time when I was more of a recreational drug user, getting really really stoned by myself and watching TCSM would happen a lot. My girlfriend recently pointed out that I was "doing drugs wrong" if that's what I did.

Like anyone would want to R her.

Finally started watching Season 4 of Mad Men, got about half way through.
I'm enjoying it more than Season 3 (all of the corporate selling stuff was maybe too close to home as there was similar talk at the company where I work) and I'm enjoying the plucky nature of SCDP.

Anne just got dumped in a pretty embarassing way, regressing for her character would seem pretty normal.

Yeah, I don't watch SNL hardly at all, but Bill Hader certainly makes me wanna tune in.
That Alan Alda impression slays.

I believe there is a soap opera network, though I think they just do re-runs and not new content.

I loved the Donna/Anne pairing and I'm so glad they didn't cater to Anne showing up at the wedding, even though the writers seem to really eschew those cliches, it was nice no one pressured them into doing it.

I think the word you were looking for was Boring.