Prick Decay

cool story, Lobsters.

PFT or Kyle Kinane maybe?

Seconded. I always look forward to that podcast.
And Dave's twitter feed is always pretty funny.

Good call on Kevin Smith Penguin, his famous person myopia is so distracting from anything he does.

cool story, bro.

And Deja Vu.

Get Meshach Taylor before his inevitable cameo in the Mannequin reboot.

I'm nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other, it hardly makes for a superhero. Especially with the astigmatism at night.

Curses! Just in time to steal the thunder from my video art project recasting Warren Moon in the Sam Rockwell role!

A local theater showed this as part of a revival series and I went thinking it was kind of a breezy melodrama and I was really surprised and delighted how much this movie kicks ass.
I cannot wait to get this.

I never go anywhere, but Tanya Morgan is highly listenable and great. Their one mixtape all about Brooklyn was better than their album to my ears.

Some other footage of their live shows is pretty bad, that performance was exceptional.

I saw her live a couple years ago. It was awesome. That is all!

Yeah, but Automater's sequel track record is really weak.
And things seem to end in weird disputes, but agreed, that album is classic.

Stipe was also in an early version of Peach of Immortality.
Which blows my mind and also shows Athens was a REALLY weird place in the late 80's.

She's got, whatta you call them? Cornhusks?


Oh you mean Uncle Robert? He's not dead.

I just watched that episode last night.

I love Albert Brooks and all, but I have no interest in seeing that film with a bunch of drunk mooks in the summer heat.