Prick Decay

I didn't see that movie, but I can only imagine it's improvement with a plotline involving Zach Galifianakis as Batman recruiting Keir Gilchrist as Robin.

Super Karate,
I was in a suburb in between Baltimore and DC, so maybe it's due to the proximity of larger cities?
Even the shittiest stuff would drift down to our little hamlet. Hell Good Riddance played at a Fire Hall 2 minutes away from my house. I thought this was the kind of experience a lot of kids had post-Cobain.

Fat Albert taking a bath?
Does your school system think that children who have gotten to middle and high schools don't know how to wash themselves?

Holy shit, I would even go more sub-par, it's like the back cover to a Limp Bizkit album.

I was around the age when this stuff was coming out, 16 in 96, but was dutifully saved by a thriving local punk scene.
Even I grew up in the burbs but most of those kids had the wherewithall to avoid that crap. Granted it was shifted into defending the merits of NOFX and whatever ska band had a hit that month, but

I would Franco a baby for an X-Factor movie.

@Independent Claus

Don't forget the "This is not an Eminem commercial" for ice tea in a can.

Considering one of them is in jail, yeah, Varg and Euronymous jabs towards each other do reek of petulant children.
But black metal is not known for it's inclusion of perspective of things.

Balls, baby, Balls!

The issue of suicide is never directly addressed, but if you've dealth with people going through serious depression and contemplating suicide, one of the signs is they give away things that are VERY important to them.
In the beginning of the episode, Neil gives all of his D&D books away to Jeff. It's not that he's

Dandy Warhols, they would do anything to get ahead, including being the house band of Scientologists.
BJM worship at the Church of Anton.

A fool-headed college me and some friends made a fake documentary about 2 guys that were obsessed with Mike from American Movie. Thankfully it never saw the light of day.

Ponytail are totally dead. if there's a last album it's probably as a favor to the label or something. (Probably that Friends label that everyone seems to be on suddenly?)
Yeah I've got no feelings towards DD. Same thing with Ponytail. I spent so much time on screechy art punk before I heard of them, I was burned out.

Fletch-Community would be incredible.
I'm still hoping they do a Twin Peaks episode soon, but I guess that Psych show beat them to it.

NLS is from Baltimore, I guarantee.
Where Double Dagger, The Death Set and Mi Ami are mentioned breathlessly by the people, but to me only brought a meh from my lips.

Hasn't Frances McDormand been absent from a number of recent Coen bros films though? I haven't seen True Grit yet, so I could be wrong.

Give Ernie a break, he's had a hard time since the closing of Oswald State Correctional Facility.

The Guatemalan Handshake was unwatchable in it's self-aware twee-ness. But TCC sounds more enjoyable, or maybe I'm just a sucker for the line-two giggly Japanese girls who call themselves "Tom Sawyer" and "Huck Finn" and the hulking, silent black man they call "Jim."
