Prick Decay

I had something similar happen, Prof, though not in my presence, but I cannot say I had a similar experience. It did not color any of my adolscence or my adulthood. I do think it was very sad the way it happened and saw an immediate ripple in our childhood, but kids moved on pretty quickly. Although that initial death

I didn't even know Josh Lyman played guitar!

Double team is a crass way to put that. The Kiwi's prefer the more sensitive Spit Roast.

Awesome. Sounds pretty cool too.

It's Murderball meets Kill Bill.

I've been on a big Criterion Eclipse series kick. But I don't really know any Dearden, the descriptions are interesting, but not giving me enough to get really excited for them.

The Simpsons Arcade game was the only game I've ever beat.
My brother and I were stationed in front of it for the better part of a long weird shopping trip my parents took. I was never really into video games, but that was a blast.

I took my girlfriend to see this the other night on a date. First we went to Hank's Runaround Cafe.

You do know he wasn't trying to sing in that video, right?


My best friend had a weird roommate who dated this girl. The roommate and the girl were constantly being asked if they were brother and sister and were ALWAYS watching Amityville II. We were pretty sure they were on some incent fantasy trip.

My dad talked the owner of a video store into giving him the cardboard promotional stands for Spaced Invaders. They were a pretty cool thing to have around the house for a couple years.

I thought the new "find your happy place" was "Get in on it"?
Jesus this city needs to get it's head together.

My neighbor's boyfriend has a Carcetti for Mayor bumpersticker.


album name + blogspot or mediafire.


Easy Like Lazy Ass Sunday Afternoon Fuck was what the fellas were calling it before Lionel showed up.

You just earned a RDD, that's a Ron Donald Don't.

"There aren't really lesbian clubs and things, either. "