Prick Decay

Philip Baker Hall was awesome, but I would hang out in a Dallas book depository if they did Dick: The Series.
Dan Hedaya!

A really stoned 7th grader, like your first friend who starts getting high and obsesses about everything they do and see while they are stoned.
I guess I'm just saying it was myopic.

Did you happen to drop the ham in some salt on the way home?

Agreed. So funny too.

Wait, so there were two bands on tour with the name Afar in their name?

In Soviet Russia, Preferred Mode of Transportation Fucks You!

Sensible Nectar is my friend.

in that film he was credited with Gay Man on the Street.

"Two grams of coke and the Bible."

IV is great if you like crime novels too, it plays with the genre in a fun way that's not really transcendent.

"Coach, are you drunk?"
"Of course I am Melissa, I'm at the mall."

Yeah Scharpling, less time on Facebook more time on the DVD! It's coming up on a year soon.

He was also a police officer in Death Wish, but I think that's a pretty well known thing. So I'll shut up now.