I love that the Avatar heritage isn't anything grandiose like "He was granted great power because of his great understanding." Nope, it was just good intentions and constant screw ups. The noble tradition of the Avatar.
I love that the Avatar heritage isn't anything grandiose like "He was granted great power because of his great understanding." Nope, it was just good intentions and constant screw ups. The noble tradition of the Avatar.
Here's just a random thing that's been bugging me: Iroh seems to be in charge of the navy, so why is he a general instead of an admiral?
Why must the AV Club kick us when we're down?
Full On Sex Hurricane will be my band name if I ever learn to sing, play an instrument, or work a studio production board.
Great idea! These are gonna be really rare at least until Lane gets into that band and her bandmates start discussing random music stuff with each other.
I like The Bangles but I was surprised that Lane did, especially given her later series snobbishness when it comes to music. I'd think she would've reacted more like: "Bangles? If I wanted to see a bunch of washed up losers sing throwaway Prince songs, I'd go to a Mazarati concert."
The scene where Emily takes care of sick Lorelai and the subsequent scene where they fight over Rory's totally innocent mistake, may be some of the heart-wrenching moments in TV history. At least they are judging by my several empty and tear stained tissue boxes.
We should probably also mention Joe Jonas's Fastlife, where he made a halfhearted attempt to be the next Justin Timberlake, failed miserably, and then crawled back to the Jonas Brothers.
Remember the scene with Lane's marriage jug? Oh that scene is terrific. "It's not a marriage jug, I probably just told you that to get you to stop crying. You were always crying."
I know we're supposed to be talking about these episodes but I'm just so excited for Rory's Dance next week. Hands down my favorite episode on the show so far.
Oh not Cinnamon! Don't worry, I've prepared an appropriate song for this event: "Cat funeral. It was an accident and not entirely my fault. Cat funeral (meow, meow, meow, meow)"
Chilton honestly seems horrifying to me. I constantly wonder how anyone could survive in that type of environment with all the playing students against each other, unreasonable expectations, and the stifling uniformity.
Seconded. I'd be hard pressed to think of anything in this episode that wasn't flawless. Maybe the exposition could've been briefer, but even then we traded in some 5 minutes of exposition for about 15 minutes of action. That's an exceptional ratio any day.
In the spirit of having some objectivity, I think the pilot has some clunky, overly expository dialogue (you don't get knocked up at sixteen by not liking guys!) and I think the conflict of the pilot (will Rory be able to afford private school?) seems a bit uninteresting. Rory herself even points out that there's…
I was thinking the probability of me liking this series was in the 90% range too. I watched the first four episodes and I've loved them all so far.
I was thinking something similar. The only major difference I can think of right now is that Sasha was rather bitchy and rude early on (probably due to her family troubles, of course) while Rory goes in the opposite direction, being too passive. I expect Rory will become more self-assured and active as the show goes…
I laid out a hundred and some dollars for a complete box set of this series all because I loved the first season of Bunheads so much and need something to fill the void while it's away. I am expecting frequent heartwarming escapades and hilariously quippable dialogue, don't disappoint me Gilmore Girls!
Seriously, that Bunheads notification should be like the bat signal: for important situations only.
Look, I live in southern California. Yes, we do talk about highways and roads a lot but that's really a trait that translates in to about 2, maybe 3, good lines of observational comedy. People talking about highways just isn't an interesting enough concept to sustain a 2 minute sketch, let alone several 5 minute…
I'm glad Mel is finally getting some character development, she always seemed like the least explored character in the series and I was interested in seeing what they would wind up doing with her and so far, they haven't disappointed. Also: Jennifer Slamiston, Tina Fake-Out, and Claire Maims.