Angelheaded Hipster

Of course, the some of the Superman writers seem to think that someone is only a superhero if they are fundamentally good with absolutely no moral ambiguity or recognition of another point of view. Does anyone else hate "What's So Funny about Truth, Justice and Understanding"? That comic pretty much seemed like a

I might go so far as to say the first season of angel is almost universally reviled. Or at least, thought of as far inferior to what will come later.

Hell, I know that song from every single wedding or high school dance I ever attended. And most of those fell after 1998. I think the midwest has an unhealthy attachment to that song.

Has anyone else seen the chinese feature of the same name? Because it was fantastic. I have not seen this movie, but I feel like it should be compared to the spectacular foreign movie of a similar title.

The song that immediately sprang to mind was 'X Telling me About the Loss of Something Dear at Age 16,' but I worry that I am one of the only people who remembers/liked Hello Saferide.

This might be due to a recent re-reading of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, but I kind of assumed the question was "why is there something instead of nothing?"