Someone's been spending too much time on audiophile forums. Brittle and cold-sounding. Dear lord.
Someone's been spending too much time on audiophile forums. Brittle and cold-sounding. Dear lord.
I don't know how old you are, but it took a long-ass time between the introduction of the CD and the point where making CD mixes was "easy." Plus, go ahead and try recording music from an FM radio to a CD-R on the fly like OTK was talking about.
Sorry, no. If you're selling $35 tickets to an arena show, on that night at least, you're a performer. The artist is the one who sits in the room writing all the jokes. If you don't want to play the game, don't take the money—it's that easy.
Go, go, go. Her onstage relationship with Kelly Hogan is one of modern music's great pairings, and her guitarist, Paul Rigby, is one of the secret best players around. (Also, Hogan works with cartoonist Lynda Barry, in case you like some art-comix cred.)
I'm a little worried about you.
Krahulik's a giant man-baby, though. Guy's really his (or her!) own worst enemy.
I really wish somebody who knows how to end a story could have taken over Super 8.
Nobody who's seen five minutes of Bunheads would make that comparison, so you must just be lonely today. Is this enough attention? Are we filling the void mommy left?
Shit schtick.
Ew no.
Sorry, can't help your crap taste in music.
Just to be pedantic for a minute, SNL does sketches, not skits. I never knew the difference until I started dating an improv performer. They get touchy about that.
Listen to Crosby's solo album If I Could Only Remember My Name - or even just the tracks "Cowboy Song" and "Laughing" - and then enjoy shutting the fuck up.
Just to nitpick, MIDI is an information standard, not a type of sound. It's used to trigger other sounds, some of which might be noticeably artificial, others of which would be indistinguishable from the real thing (like meticulously sampled real-world instruments).
Not even asking.
Hoosiers Waitress is commenting … again.
This show is graded on one HELL of a curve.
Well, Ocean got a "pass" because those of us who have heard him sing before know the he CAN sing.
"This song would be great in a car commercial, or a bank commercial or a jeans commercial or pretty much any commercial that will give me money for it!"