
I agree all your points! Even though I feel bad for Bonnie, I do agree that the writers are kind of milking it. It seems everything comes back to Elena, doesn`t it? Under no under circumstances would Damon have trusted Kai. The Matt thing really threw me off too! I thought we could at least count on him, but I guess

I thought I was the only one that caught on to that about the memories. I also hate how Caroline is seen as this angel when she has done bad stuff too. She might not have done as much, but she still did something, and that should be addressed.

Exactly! That time jump is basically twisting the knife!

I`m with you. I was so excited for some lightheartedness after a bad day yesterday, but now I`m just in this funk and I need some time to separate my emotions for this show.

That was one of my main problems with the episode, too. If we find out that this was just a contrived way of getting Jane and Raf back together, I`m done. I think a big thing with love triangles are that people tend to choose whoever they would want to be with, based off of superficial reasons, rather than choosing

Yeah, she still works there. What I can`t remember is what her major is? Is she just doing straight English, or is she still doing the teaching thing?

Yeah, for so long it felt like the actors were bored with the script, tired of the characters…or just tired in general. There was so much life and excitement in this episode, it almost felt like we were watching a whole other show! Your points are spot on, and I`m glad to see I`m not the only one who was taken by

I think they`re going to go with a happily ever after for all thing. I just can`t see it being anything else, at this point.

Yes! This episode was so amazing, I can`t get over it! I`m actually sad to see it go now!

All I can say is…wow. Where have they been hiding all this awesomeness? Ever since Season 7, I felt like I was just tuning in out of obligation, but this episode reminded me of why I fell in love with this show to begin with. The character development and nostalgia was on-point. I was so excited and high off of Nina`s