"If you like, Humor-Man, yes."
"If you like, Humor-Man, yes."
This was the best use of Tran yet. It revealed even more of Nick's silliness. What makes their interaction even funnier is what we don't know about Tran, or what we might assume:
-I always assumed Tran speaks not a word of English, yet cherishes his conversations with Nick as much as Nick does.
-One would assume Tran is…
This idea was explored further (and much more crudely) in an early Mad TV ep. about, I believe, the Spishak Mach 20 razor. Here it be http://www.youtube.com/watc…
This idea was explored further (and much more crudely) in an early Mad TV ep. about, I believe, the Spishak Mach 20 razor. Here it be http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Or Desmond's lame phone call to Penny in Lost. In Lost it was cheap, in Community it was yet another glorious chance to glimpse Annie's Boobs.