
last I heard, this is called a Terwhatthefuckin

"have soup" clearly is a reference to people ordering soup, not consuming it. In american usage, people eat food and drink beverages. soup is considered a food, not a beverage. Thus, eat.

I kind of like old Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel.

Definitely "Stand By Me". well, either that or "One Crazy Summer"

"use condoms religiously"? you make balloon animals with them?

hating on people who like sports is stupid and mean. I don't particularly like sports, but I am a kind of boring guy. however, this article makes several unsubstantiated statements that are frankly unbelievable. Happy people drink more? Millennials have money to burn? Come on. 97% of downtown housing is full

You own the best of The Beta Band because it was the only Beta Band CD at the Record Store the day after you saw High Fidelity.

how about this for a rating system

I should also say that there is a difference between supporting the right to chose a polyamory lifestyle and supporting polygamy.

I should also say that there is a difference between supporting the right to chose a polyamory lifestyle and supporting polygamy.

Umm, ok? Whatever? you sound like a troll. I do not think that Dan Savage is unprincipled, nor do I think it is inconsistent or unprincipled to be in favor of LGBT rights but to be opposed to bestiality.  (god forgive me for being a bad speller).  My post was an expression of my views.  I do not speak for Dan. I was

Umm, ok? Whatever? you sound like a troll. I do not think that Dan Savage is unprincipled, nor do I think it is inconsistent or unprincipled to be in favor of LGBT rights but to be opposed to bestiality.  (god forgive me for being a bad speller).  My post was an expression of my views.  I do not speak for Dan. I was

As a monogamous hetero man, I don't really have a dog in this fight.  However, I would like to suggest that this argument may open the door to absoutely horrible consequences.  I was under the impression that one of the dumber arguements of the radical right wing nutjobs was that if we legalize gay marriage, pretty

As a monogamous hetero man, I don't really have a dog in this fight.  However, I would like to suggest that this argument may open the door to absoutely horrible consequences.  I was under the impression that one of the dumber arguements of the radical right wing nutjobs was that if we legalize gay marriage, pretty

Atlas Shrugged 3: Atlas Yawns, rolls over, hits snooze bar.
(In a related story - thousands die in Algerian Earthquake) 

Atlas Shrugged 3: Atlas Yawns, rolls over, hits snooze bar.
(In a related story - thousands die in Algerian Earthquake) 

Ah.  I had assumed she was doing some Robocop reference that I just didn't catch all of.

Ah.  I had assumed she was doing some Robocop reference that I just didn't catch all of.

When my brother moved to Los Angeles from SC, he had never seen Firefly.  This was right at the end of Serenity's theatrical run, my bro arrived on a saturday morning, and I was working nights so was going to be unable to go to the movies from monday thru friday, and Serenity was going to be out of theatres on

When my brother moved to Los Angeles from SC, he had never seen Firefly.  This was right at the end of Serenity's theatrical run, my bro arrived on a saturday morning, and I was working nights so was going to be unable to go to the movies from monday thru friday, and Serenity was going to be out of theatres on