Steven Holt

Easier at first
I always found that this was actually more accessible than Mulholland Dr at first. Obviously the same issues dealing with wish fulfillment, illusion versus reality and role reversal are present in both, but I thought Lost Highway had a more traditional "bow" wrapping it together. I didn't understand

Not only was there a slightly darker, it did seem like they were actually in danger with the whole car crash thing. That was a pretty serious accident that totally caught me off guard. You expected them to stop the car, blow some bubbles and then have to explain to Andi but no, they just flip their car and

How is this going to work?
The logistics of this seem incredibly difficult and extremely expensive. Do they send everyone a coupon or go door to door? Do you have to show up at local distribution centers like this is the Great Depression of Cola give-a-ways? Can I request a diet? Minus the actually cost of the