geddy pee

OK We Know the Quotes
but does anyone give a shit about this doc? It seems pretty lame to give yet another personality impaired subculture the time of day, especially as it could besmirch, albeit perhaps only slightly, the attitudes of some towards such a fantastic movie.

Yo Mamma
So fat, her pimp has to roll her in flour so the Johns can find the wet spot

Women are beautiful. It takes all kinds.

this competition is for bromos

It does surprise me

My 4 year old daughter has only been to three movies in her life; Ratatouille; Enchanted and Bee Movie.

Mindy = Pam Dawber.

Its Leopold!

What about the man-ships in the background piss/shitting themselves into space?

Kong beat Godzilla's ass - at least in the version I saw.

"Sheathing Yourself"
Some rich women out shopping rock hot sweatpants.

Does it Come with Music
a'la the U2 Ipod?

This Review is Right On
I got this as a bargain bin tape back in the day. I couldn't believe my luck! All those great songs, live! Right next to the usual shit like Living Colour's second record and The Firm.
I listened to it once, threw it away, and thought - that's why I never heard of it!

I just meant that calling animals dumb & useless and such diminished you original - rather interesting point - that fascists are & have been interested in Bardot.

Preceding Perceptions
A long time ago, I took an Eastern Religion class in college, and I believe I learned you can build up your chi by having your dick sucked and not cumming.
So Lil Wayne has that going for him.

Occult Fascists! You even provide names. Damn!

Poison'd - by stds
Why on God's formerly green Earth would
Brett Michaels need to release a solo album?
Too much creative interference from
rambunctious partner C.C. Deville. A yearning
to embrace his loves of krautrock and the ohio players? Plastic surgery payments in arrears?

ha ha
Steven Tyler and other actors have drug and alcohol problems, isnt that hilarious! They try to solve them in rehab - how pathetic! They should just cling to the best times of their rocking lives and die early, causing grief to their families and friends, just so we dont have to encounter old rock stars and see

Tranny Hookers
are expensive. Eddie has to pay the bills.

Thanks for the Feature
Thanks for the feature. It has been bringing me back in touch with some music I sort of stopped paying attention to. Very informative.