geddy pee

I play Children's Story
for the kids everynight.

R.E.M. A.C.L.

I was going to say that if she is such a treasure maybe we should bury her, but judging by her looks, someone already did.

Who altered the tape?
The Man?

I like these things ok: band, coffee corporation and "indie fave" actors

September !
Wait - its only May …

read original poster's name and all should become clear.

"witty bitter" is for those with titties, not for those of us who like them.

My introduction to the term "short eyes" came from hearing the song "Kinko the Kiddie Loving Clown" on Dr. Demento.

actually - no.

No chicks in leotards?

Get the Salsbury Steak in a Shake and Bake

Walkman short circuit after Oingo Boingo tape fried.

Yes - I meant Evely body, who is a long time Nas fan who reads the Onion regularly.

Wasn't going the Bill Cosby route, just wondering why it was so controversial when that word is used over and over in songs all the time.

I didn't know I could laugh while shaking in revulsion. Thanks… I guess.

So you cant use it for an album name
but its ok for it to be the third word in most rap songs?

I politely disagree
I like the Wedding Present (or Weddos as my coming of age younger brother would pretentiously say,) not a huge fan,
but enough that I bought their
complete BBC Sessions.
I do not agree that they are all that
dependenton their lyrics, which can
range from catchy and interesting to cloying

Mudhoney did a song with Sir Mix-A-Lot
on the soundtrack for Judgment Night.

You must admit that I did fairly well, considering that I am illiterate. And a loser. And not a board game geek.