geddy pee

Household Name?
First I heard of him.

I though Bull Penis, because his music sounds like a Bull getting his penis cut off.

It was supposed to be an embarassment.

Raiders was out - BEFORE SHE WAS BORN!

pretty good ideas
"psychic powers, space pirates, an ice planet, cat-men"

Remember when Andy Capp got into trouble for trying to bootleg the Doobie Brothers?

do spiders sing
like their nuts are shrinking?

I'm surprised anyone held out hope
for Ministry after hearing that lame Blackhawks theme song.

why do they have to rehash
all that made growing up so unbearably uncomfortable in the 70s.

I heard there is the Kentucky Derby special right now. Why dont you go get some.

Larry - your like school in the summertime - no class!

really excited
Love Mr. Show - should be good.

If Frnak Vincent barney Miller? Was Dennis Farinna Barney Miller? Because he looks a lot like Barney Miller.

Cheap Trick '78 owns. Punk youngsters should recognize before casting ageist dispersions.

the Scottish guy
just got a permanent ratings boost!

He crossed the rainbow bridge into midgard, if you know what I mean

not worth the hate
while stupid - the show is pretty easy to ignore.

I think of myself as a sports fan, and never heard that Cincinnati changed its name to Redlegs. Talk about paranoia. I mean, taking the Lenin moustache off that big baseball headed mascot made sense, but a name change?

keeping with tradition
This is getting to be a real Beck lovefest & way to civil for a message board, so I will put my honest two cents in …

American snacks can be gross. Japanese snacks can be gross.
Would you be pissed if Japanese commentators discussed how disgusting twinkies and boston baked bean candies are?