
In a way I agree but I also feel that a close, dark examination of mental illness can't be sustained in a show like this (or the examples you gave). It would inevitably drag everything down into a tone that they are not calibrated for. I think the strength of portraying mental health issues as something prominently in

I doubt a straight man with an infatuation would fantasize about being the top either…

That and her distrust of "dog-bear mayor" Sam was great.

As others have stated Netflix is available in the UK. It is also extremely easy to simply use a DNS re-route to access the US Netflix (Unblock Us, Playmo etc)

But…but… without vampires how will there be blood soaked sexy times?

Netflix have clearly been consulting with the CW on the process of making money from thin air

I loved how true to the experiences of real ex-cons that scene was though. It is incredibly hard for someone of underprivileged background who wound up in prison to truly break away from that system. The tragedy of prison really just being the best place for Taystee really hit home for me. More Taystee is always a

You know you are in a quality mental health establishment when you wake up in a literal cage to find a doctor pelting you with questions and are then promptly abandoned.

The casual engagement-by-text was amazing and his delivery of "dude, I just got engaged" just killed me.

Jenji Kohan recently said in response to concerns about the longevity of this show that she will basically keep it running for as long as Netflix wants it which I find… troubling. She seems like a writer that just does not know when enough is enough. I hope to god she does not run it into the ground like weeds.

The scene where Taystee and Poussey are mocking Sophia's "white people politics" has to be one of the best scenes ever committed to film. I agree Taystee sweep to the side is definitely the way to go.

I always get annoyed at what the history books miss out, why a good bath in virgin's blood was an integral part of any self respecting aristocratic lady's morning routine!

Yeah I think so too but unless I am missing something there is a whole bunch of plot holes in this ep… I mean if It was the wolfbane whistle then how did creepy "My motel has the most suicides in California isn't that neat?" manger lady know to add three more to her suicide counter? Or was that just the dude from the

The more I read Phil's reviews the more I am coming to be amazed by what is clearly a new system of episodic TV reviewing he is pioneering here. Wherein he does not actually watch episodes but merely read's the synopsis, predicts what the episode will likely be and then punches out something vaguely resembling a