
This is so weird
I'm swedish and i'm quite stunned with all the praise this movie is getting abroad. It's at th most decent film. The acting is in some places REALLY wooden, maybe foreign critcs doesn't notice this but swedish people certainly do. The wrting is mediocre and cliche. Maybe american audiences feel a

Ever heard of FREAKS AND GEAKS. Only the greatest female lead character on TV ever.

Elephant is in my top 5 movies of the past 10 years, it's a fucking masterpiece. Haven't seen Last Days but Van Sant ain't no hack.

Love Erbert and all but seriously 2.5 stars for To Kill A Mocking Bird is fucking insane. What did he give Avatar, like a 4. That's just wrong.

Thank you Bioware
Got to say Bioware has really stepped up recently. WRPG's has never been better and I'd dare any one to name a game better than Mass Effect 2 in the past 5 years. I never really played any JRPG's but I picked up Lost Odyssey cheap recently and FUCK OFF that game is terrible. It actually punsishes you