Marceline Dream

So happy this isn't Gawker. Every discussion thread would be full of that one gif. You know the one… where he is doing stuff… with his hands or something.

I can typically zone out hypercommercials and whatnot, but the most recent TV spot for this actually makes my face hot with embarrassment and I feel a little nauseated. I didn't even know this was a thing that could happen.

I have friends like that too. They don't watch Breaking Bad.

My parents have a Roger Whittaker Christmas album that is played every year. There is a line where he says "I dream, I but dream" and us kids sure thought (okay, still think) it's hilarious because… LOL HE SAID BUTT DREAM!



"What a visual carnival!" - Tiny Fuppets

Up until this very comment, I thought he said, "HOCKEY PADS"… which made more sense to me. What the fuck are hockey pants?

Everything reminds me of him. :(

A smart-ass kid that rigs elaborate, potentially deadly traps to take down the neighborhood burglars: MACAULAY CULXTER

Time for the Batista and Masuka spinoff hour!

During Thanksgiving, we are always sure to have Planes, Trains and Automobiles on at some point… family tradition. My dad greets every dinner guest by shaking his finger and going, "I knew I knew you!" My one conservative uncle tries to step in front of the TV or fast forward through the car rental scene (regardless

I doubt anyone will read this, but I just finished this season (I'm behind the times, okay?) and NEED TO SHARE MY VERY VALUABLE INSIGHT WITH THE INTERNET!

Huh, I'd like to meet his tailor.

I hear she secretes such classics as:

I went to his book signing a few months ago. He is so cute and small in real life.

Sounds expensive.

Useless trivia of the day:

Still waiting on that Houseguest feature, guys.

Agree. Amazing movie. The whole thing is wonderful and unsettling, but that scene at Jerry's weekend house sends extra shivers down my spine.