Marceline Dream

I would dance with Tom Waits so hard.


I remember. I watched the shit out of it, too. Actually, all I remember is the freeze frame at the end of each episode and being really frustrated that I couldn't find him on our tiny, static-y television. That sort of thing wouldn't happen on those fancy picture boxes kids have today.


I remember something about a mirror breaking and a bird. I remember running from the TV room/basement after a scene involved one or both of those things. I have not rewatched it, but maybe it's about time.

I know it is an Ernest movie and all, but seriously… the idea of trolls turning kids into LITTLE WOODEN DOLLS is a truly terrifying concept. Even the music at Eartha Kitt's Junkyard (new band name, btw) is super creepy. Mostly fun and games, but man…

Yep. White, crusty ET. I am glad someone else mentioned this because I was not up for describing it and gettin' the heebie jeebies by my lonesome.

Definitely. When I was about 8, I went to some hip, artsy video store with my older brother and it was playing on the TVs. I remember feeling incredibly unsettled and thought about the imagery often for years, even though I had no idea what it was. Some things just stick with you like that. Then just a couple of years

Seriously. Those illustrations are creepy as fuck.