
This is the show's greatest episode.

"People"? The album is one of the most celebrated of the last 20 years… if you mean you, then I get what you're saying.

Great, great review. Couldn't agree more.

I know the whole grading-system doesn't really matter, but I just can't sit back and accept that this sensational episode got an A- while the considerably weaker episode a couple weeks ago (of course its just my opinion) got an A.

This episode, almost more than any other Mad Men episode (and that's saying a lot) felt like some sort of poem to me. Haunting.

I never saw The Suitcase as an episode that's selling its sentiment to the audience. Part of what makes it stand out is that it's an episode of true intimacy and honesty between two characters that really do (sorry av club) know each other. Amongst most episodes where everyone is pretending, it's that much more

This may be the definitive article revealing why Mad Men was never a soap opera.

This is probably one of the most ambitious hip hop albums ever made.

I think it is his best movie.

Thats really silly that people give you shit. Thats an understandable opinion. I personally disagree, and believe TWBB and The Master are both masterpieces, but I'm not gonna shit all over you for stating how you felt. By the way, Boogie Nights WAS outstanding. (not my personal fav of his, but I love it immensely).


I'm sorry… I just realized Todd is leaving and I am absolutely devastated.

I feel like an idiot but I'm not sure I get the joke here

Why couldn't they have done this for every single round? It's unfair that they just happened to choose one of the few guys who liked "Cooperative Polygraphy" more than "Ozymandias" to vote for the winner between the two. I am sure the majority of critics and audiences everywhere would agree that that wonderful

That reviewer upped the C+ to a B in the stray observations.

No prob.

That moment stepped out of the story of the episode and into the realm of Don's psyche. Hamm's face made it worth it too. I found to be ballsy, great art.

The big A- shown is only because Sonia's grade is on top of Todd's when both of their grades are revealed at the end. So that's not the official grade. However, Todd has single-handedly reviewed 3 seasons of this show and went into this episode cold, with a completely open mind and no expectations, and he gave it an


Thanks! I just read their review of last week's episode. Very interesting.