
They are both better when you someone eat it.

I vote Krasinksi. He's the exact opposite of what you'd expect in a Cap, and dang it, his ears would pop right out the sides of the mask, just like in the comic.

I gave up on Heroes six episodes in. I'm stickin' with Chuck for the duration.

Yes, and they clapped when someone held up the "applause" sign. Except one guy, who immediately ran and got some applesauce because he misread the sign. Granted, it was dark in the theater.

Oooh, I love the Supergrass. Doves are good, too. And I think you're right; everything they have done is good, and maybe the first thing they did was the best, but they still churn out consistently GOOD stuff. There are worse things.

FB, I like your take. Especially after just listening to it for myself. I read this review and kept thinking, dang, this is good, this must be what AV hates, and wow, that was cool, that must be what they're picking apart… so, yeah, I definitely like what they're going for. If it's a fusion of their styles, it

Let the wild rumpus start!

Those are good burgers, Walter.

Agreed. I'm digging this article and the commentary, but I'm a little disappointed that somehow sweatpants, Tom Waits and K-Mart aren't somehow linked in a cool way.

sounds about right
This will be added to the collection forthwith!

Come on, EVERY one?

Yeah, I caught that. But it SMELLS like a Halloween mask.

I'm that guy who has the rubber Halloween mask original Evil Dead DVD. That image is on the actual disc.

Dung-eating fool!

Totally. That's what I kept telling people about SM2. Look, I'd say, that's right out of Evil Dead II! I think this might be the greatest movie ever made.

the face I make makes me, that is

when I get my hair cut
the face I makes me look constipated.

I'm flat broke
But I had to buy four albums this morning.

Yes, I sort of agree. I think Up is solid. I hardly ever listen to Reveal, but I thought Around the Sun was great. I just got this new one, but I have a good feeling. Of course, I had a good feeling with Reveal, too.

Murphy is doing it to me, too.