
She left for a job at another website. I haven't heard anything about the Leftovers debacle being a factor in the decision

The last time the AV Club wrote about The Leftovers, it went poorly…

Ah, that felt good. I really want those moleskines Ignaty…FUCK it did it again

Hey, is anyone getting that wonderful ad that takes over the entire screen on every. single. article. you. go. Isn't that great…oh it decided to do it again. I already X it out but it decided to open again anyways. I was just going to be sarcastic and snarky about it but now,, Fuck that ad (which just opened again),

The villain was the Burj Khalifa, and it's plan was to make Tom Cruise fall off it.

I remember MI4 being a pretty damn awesome action movie, but I guess I would agree that the rest of those movies sucked (except for MI3, which I never saw)

If we were visiting someone who lived far away (or they were visiting us) and were staying at their house for multipule days. It always ended up happening in the early to middle afternoon, 1-4 PM I guess. If we were just going to eat with someone who lived locally, then it would happen at traditional Dinner time.


For the record, wookiepedia is the best named fan-pedia, hands down.

I wonder if Marah really didn't get the 42 reference or just wanted him to clarify. I mean, I don't mean to say that in a "Fake Geek Girl!" sort of way. It's just that that reference seems so overused on the Internet that I'm surprised that someone who works on the internet would be unfamiliar with it. Or maybe she

I just realized this joke would have been funnier, had more username synergy, and still made sense if I had said Kit Harrington. Just pretend I said that the first time.

Yeah, I now I've been on the NSA watch list for a while.

The AV Club

Sam Worthington. I think he'll really capture the personality of my present avatar.

No one is ready for Dikachu's close up.

That was a turkey of a pun

How many points will Constantine stopping production be worth?

You've clearly lived a sheltered Internet life. A lot of if not most big movies release a teaser a week or so in advance of their actual trailer. Been like that for years now. It does suck, though.

Biggest Turkey: MULANEY! MULANEY!

Gnomeo came out in February, and was ok IMO at least.