
He's going to be sherlock holmes.

Perfect Scene
So much tension. The outcome is beautiful w/ Tom Jane getting blasted for being a greedy idiot. Loved the getaway. Poor Dirk, that Vette was Rad!

Harry potter 6, the sexiest PG movie ever????
Kissing to the max! Razorblade smiles! Passion stares! Magic!

First Job
My first job was a sheep hearder. Pretty boring job most of the time. I did get into some fights with other sheep hearders hearding on my Uncle's land. One day the other hearders banded together to take my Uncle and myself down. they planned to Bum rush us to the point where we would have to surrender with

Is this big?
I saw the anime and it was ok. Now they made a movie,??? It's probably better than anything in the US this past couple months.

So DC and Marvel???
RR is all over the place. Please let Sandra Bullock be Hal Jordan's love interest. They were so "GooD" together in the proposal. I hate my Life. :-)