
I have a feeling Fury Road will have a bigger second weekend with the insanely positive word of mouth that's going around.

It's super weird to think that in summer '09 after finishing my sophomore year of college, when I was working a job on an oil rig in the arctic to make money for moving and college expenses, I started watching the show and binged all of seasons one and two on the transatlantic flight + layovers, which got me ready

SER DONALD OF HOUSE DRAPER, LORD OF MANHATTAN ISLE agrees; literacy had a strong showing this Sunday.

If nothing else, that Rockets/Clippers clusterfuck will probably get some new or amended rules concerning end-of-game fouling discussed (and hopefully implemented) this offseason. It's been a long time coming; it's always been annoying as hell and absolutely against the spirit of the game, that game was just a case

Here, this site does a great job summarizing the whole Ballghazi scandal as eloquently as any article I've seen: http://www.istombradyacheat…


♫ Strollin' down the hall
Smokin' Marlburo
Grippin' my squid-limb nudes (laid back)
With my mind on my money
and my money on my mind ♫

The Coke tweet is pretty fucked up considering Coca-Cola has, you know, actually murdered people.

No, I mean Olivia Cooke. I can't be the only one who sees it, it's uncanny. Her whole face, but especially the eyes.

Maybe if Jar Jar looked half that hot and wore perfect ass-complementing underwear he'd have been infinitely more bearable. Wait, no, that is not the image I was going for, oh god

I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man.

Fuckers of the world, unite; seize the means of reproduction!

Pork has outside, including ribs, shoulder, bell, and burnt ends. Brisket is great too, but beef is only brisket anyd pulled pork + everything else makes cow auxiliary. That's why it's the majority bbq of the US.

Can someone give me one good reason for a plane to have conveniently placed handles on its exterior that isn't "for stunt men"?

I look like the missing link between the two. It's uncanny. It's also repulsive.

Counterpoint: Zodiac, motherfucker.

that burping reaction. that is the effect of your 5-ht3 subreceptors going absolutely batshit insane in response to severe and sudden mental shock, along with the immediate adrenaline rush he must have felt. that was the most visceral and real "shit getting real" shot i have ever and probably will ever see in my

The AV Club
So many issues a leper would seem more appealing.

I read this in 2nd or 3rd grade. Growing up in Alaska they had us read this pretty early on and I remember it very fondly. If you want to try another YA survival book, I read Williwaw in 5th or 6th grade and have a great memory of it – it's by Tom Bodett of Motel 6 "We'll leave the light on for you" fame. Not sure