I mean, what's next? A Great Job Internet about BBW personals on dating sites?
I mean, what's next? A Great Job Internet about BBW personals on dating sites?
LOL @ nuWho fans.
Ugh, Moffat.
Just because Trump held a rally where he asked his followers to raise their right hand in salute and pledge their personal obeisance to him, suddenlt he's a little bit of a scary figure? GIVE ME A BREAK, LAMESTREAM MEDIA with your DAMNOCRATS.
"Mohammed Salameh, Salameh, Moham,
I was just the driver I didn't make that bomb!"
On Earth? Yes.
Because quality is job #69 at Comedy Central.
It was "Naggers!"
But your eyes say CeeYes.
LOL he said something you don't like. LOL
Hard Rain isn't about nuclear annihilation.
And of course, "So Long, Mom."
Glazed… hamm? I'm listening.
Yeah! THEN it would have been the most successful movie of all - oh, no. Seems like they did a pretty good job.
What doeth it profit a man, who gaineth a point on the Internet but loses his soul?
Yeah! If you've only come to the trilogy after 1981 when it was renamed, you aren't a real fan!!!!
But Dylan's 'Positively 4th Street' was a great poison pen letter to the folk scene he came up in, and should have been included in this Inventory.
If you play it backwards, Skynyrd's plane takes off unexpectedly.
With Fred Willard?