
I'm honestly a little disappointed that Lily had absolutely no reaction to Robin asking her to put the locket up her butt. Not that that is anywhere close to my idea of fun, but how many times has Lily given a look or made a little comment about her bi-curiosity? Even if that's not something that Lily would want to do

Barney deserves a lot of criticism, but not for this. He was focused on the game, so he didn't pick up on the subtlies in her voice. I have no doubt that, had she asked him to stop, he would have. But she didn't.Here's some relationship advice for everybody: if your significant other is focused on some task (playing a

Here's the difference, people: That scene at the end was NOT about Ted revisiting his feelings for Robin. It was about ROBIN revisiting her feelings for TED. And that's something that the show has not yet explored (other than the benefits stuff when they were roomates). Ted was being a supportive friend. It's in his

that comment took on a whole new meaning when I noticed your username . . .

Mytly, I think Pedantic meant 'winter' - college teachers get almost a month off between Fall and Spring semesters. Ted explicitly said that classes were over. It's completely realistic for Ted to have a lot of time on his hands, especially since, with constant work on the GNB building, this is probably the first real

Mytly, I think Pedantic meant 'winter' - college teachers get almost a month off between Fall and Spring semesters. Ted explicitly said that classes were over. It's completely realistic for Ted to have a lot of time on his hands, especially since, with constant work on the GNB building, this is probably the first real

Episode deserves an A, just for that.

Episode deserves an A, just for that.

All this talk about "inconsistencies", and nobody's pointed out the worst one - Lily was hanging out of her shirt the entire episode, and not one comment from Barney.

All this talk about "inconsistencies", and nobody's pointed out the worst one - Lily was hanging out of her shirt the entire episode, and not one comment from Barney.

Yes! That. And, on top of that, Ted is an unreliable storyteller that embellishes things. All the time. So, yes, Nick has said some things in past episodes that, in hindsight, I wouldn't expect the idiot from this episode to say - but how many times have you misquoted a friend when telling a story about something that

Yes! That. And, on top of that, Ted is an unreliable storyteller that embellishes things. All the time. So, yes, Nick has said some things in past episodes that, in hindsight, I wouldn't expect the idiot from this episode to say - but how many times have you misquoted a friend when telling a story about something that

Yeah, that crossed my mind. I'm willing to overlook that one, though, since everything we're seeing is really just a picture painted by Ted's memory, and he might have just forgotten to mention Mickey's thumbs. Yeah, I know that rationalization gets old for some, but it works just fine for me. Actually, that concept

Yeah, that crossed my mind. I'm willing to overlook that one, though, since everything we're seeing is really just a picture painted by Ted's memory, and he might have just forgotten to mention Mickey's thumbs. Yeah, I know that rationalization gets old for some, but it works just fine for me. Actually, that concept