Charley One-Eye

But he wasn't the star.
Unbelievably, that was Orlando Bloom.

This is fantastically snobby of me, but the central tenet of Peter Pan is that he doesn't grow up. That's his "thing". The original story is quite specific about what not growing up means. There's childish adults (Mr. Darling) and real world daftness (the nanny is a dog) to emphasise the point it's not about their

They've gone and resolved that mistake.

Natalie Portman - No way,
Angelina Jolie - To Angelina Jolie for the part.
Dunno who else there was.
Reading the script more then a year ago, Bullock seemed the right choice. Amy Adams could have done something with it too, but dunno if she'd have gotten it greenlit.

Val Kilmer FTW

I like the revisionism that has her rising from ingenue to leading lady, instead of its opposite. 
And by "ingenue" he means "as if tossed from the balcony of a Vegas hotel after an unfortunate altercation at a bachelor party"


Then I'll admit it wasn't 45 degrees.
But plenty of angle to shoot through the windshield.
And they cheated positions around according to the shot, like every production will do.


"The SUV that Walt was inside of was shown to be pretty much perfectly perpendicular to the firefight"
Nope. About 45 degrees.

Conversation with Marie - One minute fifteen.

That it's been used so often is exactly why it was so squirm inducing.

Ah sconn, you're my favourite. Whenever I'm unfortunate enough to think about bitter fucktards on the internet you're always the first that comes to mind. Sour bile so distinctive I'm sometimes disappointed when I spot you've written something banal and reasonable.

The thing about Jon Peters isn't that he was insane, it's that a street thug/Barbara Streisand's hairdresser somehow leveraged himself to that position, and portrayed himself as an extremely sensitive nutbag with dyslexia in order to cover up for the fact he a) didn't know what he was doing and b) was completely

Honey Boo Boo as Alfred

I was fairly sure it made no sense when I wrote it, but pressed send anyway.

I thought it would run off the page like it used to in the good old days.


"The film sometimes plays like a farcical answer to Oslo, August 31st, especially during an opening, 16mm flashback to the seminal booze odyssey."
That's gotta be the most unnecessary reference I've ever seen.

Vince Gilligan for one is on the record as thinking Walt's a complete scumbag now. He had to temper his language speaking to Cranston because he still needed to sympathise to play the role.