Charley One-Eye

Yeah, not quite sure what they hoped to achieve with that frat boy interrogation technique. Don't think they were FBI though, just local APD.

That's like… EIGHT boxes of cheerios

I'll say this to you cause many of the others who are saying that stuff aren't worth the time.

I was tasked with cutting the lawn when I was about ten and thought it much better to flip the mower on its back and stand over it dropping leaves and debris onto the whirling blades. I still shudder at the thought if I'd tripped…

I remember something like that, but finished off with the kicker — "…yet meeting surprising resistance on the way through."

In Vegas with Elvis?

For complicated reasons I'd need to detail on my non-existant blog I think Monsters University was the creative nadir of Pixar and really emphasised what a closed boy's club it has become, and maybe always was.



Yay! I just saw this recently and was waiting for someone to complain, cause I don't agree with most of the the complaints. I thought it was great despite a couple of obvious clunkers. A balls to the wall destructothon that only comics would deliver previously.
1) Can't argue cause it's your opinion, but I thought he

Blah Blah Blah AVC critics have gone to hell etc etc, but what was implied about the destruction the White House when the John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier smashed into it?

Here's something really nitpicky.
You can so win a Pulitzer for an opinion piece.  
Single article in 1917, 1920, 1922 thru '27, '29, 31','34,'55,'56.

My kids like Superman, so I edited together the bits in this movie where Superman does all the things they love to see Superman doing. 
20 mins 34 seconds. 
And that includes his falling to earth and taken to ER. They like seeing him die apparently.

What struck me most about King Kong was the insistence on not trimming it down to manageable length. Every part of that movie is ramped up to its maximum peak as if Peter Jackson decided that by God he'd give you bang for your buck… 
You want romance? You get all the romance. Man girl, beast it's all here. You want

Stopped halfway, scrolled down, liked, scrolled back up, finished reading.

"..how Sizemore disarms the door—as someone with zero knowledge in this area.."
And THAT'S why you got caught!!!

Yay! Didn't think much of Planet Terror and thought less of Death Proof right up until it totally redeemed itself in the end. I remember thinking I'd appreciate if he'd just cut to the chase.

Is the whole Grindhouse package available now? The 90 minute chopped down versions that played in theatres?

because the others all happened after that camera tilt up her legs at the gas station.

Dunno what the turning point was, but she's not depressed any more. She has a husband who continued to love her despite being fat. Which gives her the confidence to be happy with herself even if she's still a bit mean. That joke about raping the girl is the kind of awful taboo joke couples can make to each other.