Charley One-Eye

And then they jump forward to1978 when Bob Benson, MVP of his agency, turns down the awkward advances of his new young secretary because his heart is still with Pete, Peeete! PEEEETTTTTE!

Weiner has outright lied to throw people off the scent before. Notably about how they'd deal with the JFK assassination. It's my favourite thing about him.

They're really avoiding showing anything from next episode, so some major pivot could be on the cards.

Was she supposed to demure politely and leave the decision to him how he should respond?She did exactly what you should do when someone is being forceful while hiding behind an oh so reasonable facade. You bring it right up the DEFCON scale and shut them down hard.
You use the weapons that are at your disposal. The

He phrases it as the argument being made by the doco, but I don't think watching with a panel of physicists is required when you can disprove one of the basic starting points on or off your head.

"Aesop Institute is developing engines designed to run on atmospheric heat, a form of solar energy. These engines will need no fuel. They will demonstrate circumvention of The Second Law of Thermodynamics. The first engine will spin a generator and light an LED. Next a small plastic engine will recharge cell phones

That is unmitigated horseshit.

From 1965 the Annual Reminder was one of the earliest protests for LGBT rights. They lined up respectfully in suits and ties and dresses to represent homosexuals as presentable and employable and achieved precisely diddly-squat from then till the last protest in 1969.

I've always hated that goddamn song from the very instance I heard it. I don't even have great taste in music or the knowledge to know exactly what's so shit about it. I thought it was called What's Goin' On? because a haze would form over my mind till I got out of its sphere of influence.  The crowd pretty much

Well Girard, back in my War, The Great 'Un, in the trench, rifles and fixed bayonets 'r too long, so we'd take our entrenchin' tools, you whippers 'd call 'em shovels, and we'd, you know, in the course of fighting, smash the fuck 'ut the fuckin' enemy any way we could with the sharp edge of the entrenchin' tool. And

Nobody shares a genuine laugh with Pete.

Pete is of course full of shit. She's a partner, he can shove his junior status up his ass. Both Peggy and Pete seem to think she hasn't worked her way up, as if all those introductions to clients in the office didn't mean anything.

Joan has been rolled over time and time again, figuratively and literally, and was always shoved back in her place by Rodger, by Harry (this season and back when she was pre-reading the soaps), and by the partners both when they split from Sterling Cooper Mark 1 and when they needed Jaguar.

There's an interview in NYmag with a soap actress. You're not gonna get canned if you're popular with the audience. That's all that matters.

Maybe in your war, but not in mine.

Sesame Street were advised by child psychiatrists not to have muppets and humans in the same scene as it would be confusing to kids.

If you have resentments about how you were raised, and maybe are striving not to raise your own kids like that, it can really touch a raw nerve to see it repeated by the same people. 
And by raw nerve I mean fucking infuriating.

Or maybe they're two competing gunslingers and they hate each other at first but then there's a bounty put on both their heads so they have to go on the run together to clear their names and then they begin to realise the other's not so bad but in the meanwhile their respective partners are off doing something shitty

You mean like where Natalie Portman bumps into some hunk while hauling water and they both fall down the well and bond as they struggle to escape but he thinks she's the cook but she's really the owner of the ranch and then there's all kinds of misunderstandings and they break up for a while till Natalie has a chat

If it makes you feel any better, that whole story was probably untrue. For one thing rats don't behave like that. The logistics of such a scenario are fairly daunting.