Charley One-Eye

Managing her depression I think.

They could wear protective suits, even a borrowed Hazmat suit would do the job, but they don't even wear pants.

As far as being a realistic take on someone discovering his superpowers, it's okay. But I was reading just the other day that setting superhero stories in the real world conflicts with the very reason people love superheroes.
We're not looking for the superhero to save the day, or the world,


I have no idea @eric827:disqus 
But he was quite adamant they wouldn't be showing that day.

I don't deny that all this is going through Don's head, and his own upbringing has robbed him of the things he needs to be a good father. But if he's been faking love all this time, its fair to say that's one thing Don's fucking awful at faking.

The special word for such a situation is Fragged.

It's about the established characters responses. They can't bring in a broad range of reactions just to tick all the available boxes.

My personal theory is that the modern American electorate, no matter the irrational nature of their primary decision, have a subconscious genius for sniffing out the running mate they don't want a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Live TV.

Everybody calm down!
Least 'til we find out what was in the sandwich.

I figured it when the Mrs Downstairs Mistress said "Come Monday morning it'll all be a dream.."

I really liked Wiener for blatantly lying about whether they'd deal with the Kennedy assassination. 
Said it would be too obvious, then Whammm! Third encore!

Computer, Drama, or Prescription?

Comics don't count.
TV show's a TV show, comic's a comic. TV show is over.

I'm very fond of Buffy's final episode for the artfulness of the solution that solves their practical problem and helps resolve Buffy's main psychological hang up with the one and same act.

Warren surveys the pandemonium, raises his glass…. "Outstanding!"

Kevin Bacon was a producer. He said it was the trashiest script he had ever read.

Okay okay! she was a KGB agent all along. I was wrong.

Seriously, do we really have to put spoilers for actual reality now? Are those moments of surprise really so precious and fragile?