Charley One-Eye

I figured she was KGB the same way that Martha is FBI.

Apparently one of those recent spy ring couples was grooming their son into the family business. 
And honestly I wouldn't sweat the nitty gritty details. There's a big emphasis on face to face meetings in the show but in reality it would all be done by dead drops. Elizabeth has mentioned her own mother to Paige so I

nice catch!

When it comes to retrievers a soft mouth is key.

Whatever she was, that's some rigmarole of badge pinning and oath taking if she was just jumping up a pay grade.

It's a standard conman's ruse - overwhelm the mark with information and emotions, keep them spinning. As soon as they start getting a grip, seeing through the patter, you throw out yet more bullshit to off-balance and keep them spinning. Mixing metaphors helps.

The only thing I don't buy is that a secretary would get promoted to running the most secret and valuable assets they have just like that. But, like the contrivance of Granny and Elizabeth and the wedding, I forgive it cause it's awesome.

It was a test. She's dealing with a guy who cold-blooded killed her friend, no way she can depend on him to protect her. Whatever about the oath or the life she wishes she could have had, she sees Stan for what he is now, and her only option was to roll the dice and come clean while she's still an asset to both sides.

Jayne!The Man they call Jayne!
Oh, He robbed from the richand he gave to the poor.Stood up to the manand he gave him what for.Our love for him now
ain’t hard to explain.The hero of Cantonthe man they call Jayne.
Our Jayne saw the mudders’ backs breakin’.He saw the mudders’ lament.And he saw the Magistrate takin’every

I really don't understand that sentence. 
Does it mean that the characters are dim-witted assholes and Rabin doesn't like that? Or that Michael Bay is oblivious to portraying them as dim-witted assholes when he means to portray them as something else? Cause just from the trailer (and the reality) it seems that showing

All this is a throwback to when Harry had her pre-reading scripts for the soaps and suggesting advertisers. Clearly she loved it, and was great at it, but then that moment passed and Harry chucked it to some guy who just came in and Joan went back to her old position without a murmur.

Thanks for the spoiler warning Duke *sarcasm*

"He’s savvy enough to know that in the right context and at the right volume, The Velvet Underground’s “Venus In Furs”…… can sound as Satanic as any black-metal song."http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I like how Spielberg gave his trademark sentimental ending to those who are happy to read it that way.

New, bitter, blue man on the paper rising under cherry, over parador. Goodnight sailor.

I bet you can unhook a bra with one hand.

Tet Offensive was a turning point they didn't realise was a turning point till later. Doctor claims they're losing the war and it's waved off..

Joan's abortion story's pretty soapy so don't discount it on that basis.

..and go to Philly to take a piss.

'cept Don's having trouble getting through the front door.