Charley One-Eye

I liked the call out to Out Of Sight which was a call out to Don't Look Now.

Thanks for mentioning the war stuff. It was so obvious I'm surprised the review skipped it.

You're saying that's one big solid lump on her chest like a camel hump?

I was wrong last month thinking XXX wasn't Drew.

TIL  Angel (1984) did not star Sally Field.

No doubt it was stupid. But there are 1000s of stupider things smarter people have done and nothing befell them. Not because they were smarter, but because an odd conjunction of circumstances didn't happen to conspire against them.
Hell I've done dumber more dangerous shit (but not for a living I suppose) and I don't

"So they may have been trying to stay warm."

'cept she's being held without bail for dealing oxy…

Also a distinct preference for seeing the world according to whatever bullshit suited her political position at that moment. 
She worried about the environment for a while, till she decided the political left had high ground on that issue, and dropped it. There may be no such thing as "society" but let's turf the ill

Yeah, something about this article (especially the last bit in brackets) makes me want to question the assumptions behind this article. That that producer, who clearly has built a relationship with these kids, might have a point in refusing to just cut them loose. That that kid died in a stupid accident that wasn't

If that exoskeleton boots into candelabra mode - in front of.. behind… Damon's just gonna have to do whatever it wants.

The Bartlett shooting was based on the Reagan shooting (right down to only realising he was injured when he spits up blood).

When the Doctor materialised at Amy Pond's wedding…
"…to the brand new Mr. Pond!"
"No, I'm not Mr. Pond. That's not how it works"
"Yeah, it is…"
"Yeah, it is."

She's not even asking him how to put a stop to it, she's asking him how to deal with her own emotions regarding it.

The husband wanted to get the feel of a great big throbbing speeding scary exciting machine between his legs. Whatever the complexities of the relationship, compromising with his worried wife and buying a hairdryer instead not alone fails to satisfy that urge, that scooter is a symbol of that capitulation he probably

By threatening to shoot the guy unless he got out of Miami Raylan was acting unlawfully so let's call it deemed justified by the investigation, whatever that entailed.

He said Nicky would die in the limo unless he surrendered. Nicky took that as a threat to shoot him. As he got out Raylan said "you're still in the limo". 
That's outlaw with a badge, but smart about it.

If it had ended with Art announcing her plane had spun out over the sea of Japan there were no survivors, I think I'd have strangled the TV.

Well aren't I glad I'm dull and unimaginative, because I didn't predict Winona and Raylan lying side pumping bullets into the bearded elf who threatened their child.