Charley One-Eye

I figure Nazir's group knows Brody's exposed and had a kill team waiting at the safe house to take them both out. That nervous tailor saved his life.

I figure Nazir's group knows Brody's exposed and had a kill team waiting at the safe house to take them both out. That nervous tailor saved his life.

Well it's a typical response because most people would agree with it.

Well it's a typical response because most people would agree with it.

Edit: I had a think about the likelihood of that comment being deleted, and figured it was just on the right side of demented to survive as a sick joke. But since it referenced persona-non-Top50a Silence of the Lambs that probably did it in.

Edit: I had a think about the likelihood of that comment being deleted, and figured it was just on the right side of demented to survive as a sick joke. But since it referenced persona-non-Top50a Silence of the Lambs that probably did it in.

Without checking I'm gonna guess that it kicked off on the article about Lena Dunham's book advance @avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus

Without checking I'm gonna guess that it kicked off on the article about Lena Dunham's book advance @avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus

Come on, they've trumpeted the capture and life-sentencing of daft sad-sacks who were handed fake explosives by FBI informants who had encouraged them to become terrorists despite their utter incapability to carry out such an attack.

Come on, they've trumpeted the capture and life-sentencing of daft sad-sacks who were handed fake explosives by FBI informants who had encouraged them to become terrorists despite their utter incapability to carry out such an attack.

Yeah cause slavers have such an evolved sense of right and wrong they'd chalk it up to fair's fair and karma and just leave it at that.

Yeah cause slavers have such an evolved sense of right and wrong they'd chalk it up to fair's fair and karma and just leave it at that.



Which works fine when Quakers believe that everyone is intrinsically good. Not so much when some douche advocates nuking those evil Ay-Rabs.

Which works fine when Quakers believe that everyone is intrinsically good. Not so much when some douche advocates nuking those evil Ay-Rabs.

The kid had made friends with one particular crew member and that was the guy Spielberg put in the suit. The gorilla bounced around for the kid to wonder what the fuck was going on, then had him take the mask off. When the kid saw it was his friend all along was when he

The kid had made friends with one particular crew member and that was the guy Spielberg put in the suit. The gorilla bounced around for the kid to wonder what the fuck was going on, then had him take the mask off. When the kid saw it was his friend all along was when he

+1 internets for that impeccable non-apology.

+1 internets for that impeccable non-apology.