Charley One-Eye

One of the traits of a psychopath can be indifference to money.

One of the traits of a psychopath can be indifference to money.

It kills me second degree manslaughters me with depraved indifference when people get into irrelevant legal technicalities of what happened to Jane. 
We all saw what Walt did and didn't do. The point is that he stood there and allowed her to die for his own benefit.

It kills me second degree manslaughters me with depraved indifference when people get into irrelevant legal technicalities of what happened to Jane. 
We all saw what Walt did and didn't do. The point is that he stood there and allowed her to die for his own benefit.

Since Kaylee was Mike's weak spot (like Gus with Hector) I was a little worried fucking Walt might get it into his head to use her against him somehow. 
So at least they didn't go there.

Since Kaylee was Mike's weak spot (like Gus with Hector) I was a little worried fucking Walt might get it into his head to use her against him somehow. 
So at least they didn't go there.

I didn't get that at all. 
Instead of remorse for killing Mike, Walt went straight to wondering how he's gonna get the names now, then remembering he had another option. 100% concerned with himself. 
Realising it was unnecessary doesn't make him remorseful. Shows he hasn't been thinking straight the whole time.

I didn't get that at all. 
Instead of remorse for killing Mike, Walt went straight to wondering how he's gonna get the names now, then remembering he had another option. 100% concerned with himself. 
Realising it was unnecessary doesn't make him remorseful. Shows he hasn't been thinking straight the whole time.

Hey O! you quit just when they started getting desperate and shit, if you think they were good. 
Or if you think they were bad, you quit just as they got shit and desperate. 
It all depends on your perspective really.I read them all is what I'm saying.

Hey O! you quit just when they started getting desperate and shit, if you think they were good. 
Or if you think they were bad, you quit just as they got shit and desperate. 
It all depends on your perspective really.I read them all is what I'm saying.

Victim of that relentless urge to finish some task my 12 year old brain perceived as massive.

Victim of that relentless urge to finish some task my 12 year old brain perceived as massive.

Or Face/Off where Nic Cage goes to a detention centre where the prisoners are held in place by magnets.

Or Face/Off where Nic Cage goes to a detention centre where the prisoners are held in place by magnets.

Ah but I just watched the ending here
and contrary to my assumption at the time, they don't save or change much. Some stuff about their rumoured break-up effecting the stock exchange, and their tour bringing about Middle-East peace, which is something. But it's mostly about them and the Reaper

Ah but I just watched the ending here
and contrary to my assumption at the time, they don't save or change much. Some stuff about their rumoured break-up effecting the stock exchange, and their tour bringing about Middle-East peace, which is something. But it's mostly about them and the Reaper

No I didn't. I thought the movie was saying it was. 
The movie was just fucking fab till that came on.

No I didn't. I thought the movie was saying it was. 
The movie was just fucking fab till that came on.

No he's already on record (here? it was probably here) as having a just shoot me now attitude to doing shit for no good reason.

No he's already on record (here? it was probably here) as having a just shoot me now attitude to doing shit for no good reason.