
Aphex Twin?

Now you know how to do this right?
Ya gotta remember to put one in his brain.
Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain.
Then he's dead.
Then we go home.

Iguazu by Gustavo Santaolalla

Stop with the re-makes. Johnny Depp is no William Powell.

He's dreamy. Not Bin Laden, Edgerton.

War Is Hell
Ooh Ooh Ted Levine, Ted Levine!

I know, what the fuck.

That's a really interesting take. I will now be spending part of my Thanksgiving re-watching The Shining.
I saw Session 9 years ago late at night on IFC or something. I remember being terrified and then confused and let down. But mostly i remember the movie for Stephen Gevedon.