Dr Yueh

I know I'm a season late but since we're questioning implausible events - how exactly is Cersei Queen?

They're an amazing live band and certainly worth the effort - I'm keeping an eye out for any Australian (or god forbid New Zealand) dates

The Cribs - I must have seen them….. four times

I was thinking that too - I saw it in the theatre in New Zealand and I'm sure they were included

I also read it in his voice luckily its available in audio book!

'Dear Me' by Peter Ustinov is fantastic

Booth Tarkington is pretty under rated in my opinion. I sought out the other books in the trilogy with Ambersons and read them and some of his other works a few years ago.

No mention of 'Fantastic Floor'

Conclusion the Author was a time traveller

Is anyone else bothered by the Magazine title from 1987 saying 'the late 1980's" - while not technically incorrect it just seems a bit off

Its essentially the Sean Connery voice from SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy

Ghost light is especially frustrating after years of drawn out padded serials they stuffed all that into three episodes!
I think I've said it on here before but watching it on dvd where you can rewind it to listen to single lines of dialogue it kind of makes sense. How anyone watching on TV in 1989 could follow what

Theres a great bit in Peter Ustonov's 'Dear Me' where he goes to Leningrad and visits his Uncle who worked in the Theatre. Everyone was supposed to us 'The Method' when he asked his Uncle how this compared with his traditional training he said ' oh I just go to the workshops and then do it the way I've always done it'

It turns out I'm not the Messiah after all…. you could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out

Star Trek sounds cool, but my god that is an ugly ship!

Just finished watching the Forth Season - I don't think the move to an hour long format really hurt the quality of the show there are some real classics here.

I think I was onto the second season of Deadwood before I had my 'oh shit its Lovejoy!' moment

Agreed - admitted I haven't revisited it since watching it in the theatre - but the amount of nerd rage directed at it always seemed excessive

'The Thing' while better than the original does not feature 'You bet your Life' announcer George Fenneman - so I'm calling it even

Unsurprisingly given my user name - I love this movie.