Rik Ripplei

Norman Osborne
So began the Spider-Man series' unbelievable casting of villains.
Defoe rules.

oh, you kids
I get such a kick out of all you "Rap isn't music!" dickheads.
Ya know, in case you missed the bulletin, 50 Cent, Lil Jon, and all the rest of the homos on Clear Channel-owned radio stations aren't real rap, dude. They're pop garbage. And guess what? It turns out that so-called "artists" of ALL stripes

dre's lyrics
The above poster, whose question was never answered: I don't think Dre has ever written a lyric. Ice Cube wrote ALL of his lyrics for NWA, the DOC wrote 60% of "The Chronic" (with Snoop likely writing most of the rest), and it's obvious Eminem wrote most of his lyrics from this period. Listen to "Bitch

Two words
Two words: HELTER and SKELTER.

Hip Hop
Is not dead. It is not done; it is not even halfway done. There are people making music right now who are pioneers of Hiphop. Things like this have nothing to do with Hiphop. Rapping in and of itself does not equal Hiphop. The powers that be and the media can marginalize, homogenize and cheapen us all they

fuck them
Seriously, they should all be fucked into submission. Fuck all the wack right out of them.

Mang the Merciless
No, you are not the only one.

zodiac motherfucker
Is from Bizarro world, where everyone types in CAPS all the time, Lyrics Born is a wack sellout, and T-Pain is ILL! RESPECT!
Respect, my ass. "Artists" like this are slowly and surely killing the form of music I love the most. Killing it fucking dead.
Respect those who respect themselves, and their

This phrase needed to be coined:
"A blast of mystical, rainbow-colored bullshit".