
It was a blast. It was actually two half-hour phoners: we started later than planned, causing him to have to jump off the line before we were done, so we got back up the following day. The best moment - which I couldn't really work into the piece - was when I told him that, when he called me back to finish the

Another Fotomaker fan? Where have you been all my life?

"Soft in the BG" means "soft in the background," i.e. his character's so unimportant that he's rarely even in focus in the shot. And the only reason I know this is because I actually asked about it on Twitter and Kurtwood freaking Smith responded with the answer! https://twitter.com/tahitis…

Bill Murray has a long and sordid history of breaking into "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" at the drop of a hat. Just ask Kelly Lynch - he sang it at her wedding - or, as seen in this clip, Clint Eastwood: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Yeah, just for the record, everything from the beginning through Staying Alive was done in person, as was Dead Poet's Society. The only reason the latter got moved is because I shifted it so that it was directly in advance of his House story. I realize this is too much information, but since I know a lot of people

The only depressing part about the overall interview experience is that he couldn't find that photo of Goodman, Kristofferson, and Williams before we went to press, because if he had, he was more than willing to let us run it with the piece. Damn, damn, damn…

He definitely said and meant "Monteith and Rand." (Not only did he spell their names, but I've seen the Shields & Yarnell episode of The Muppet Show, so I know who they are.) But perhaps he was confused about who was responsible for the robot bit.

Actually, that was me acknowledging that it's literally the only episode of the show that I've ever watched in its entirety. But we all have our individual tastes.

There was, of course, never going to be enough time to get to every
single role in the man's back catalog. Trust me, there was a huge list of stuff I wasn't able to hit.

I'll never tell. Either way, the input serves to help me make the final decision on what to ask about, so it's appreciated.

Duly repaired. Thanks!

I just interviewed Ronee Blakley for, ahem, another site, and when she was talking about getting the job on Nashville, she said the turning point came when she was touring backup for Hoyt Axton. I always think of WKRP when I think of him, even more than I think of Gremlins.

The show aired at 9:30 p.m. It was never intended to be perceived as a kids' program. (Scheduling it at that time was my first tip-off that something was amiss. It would not be my last.)

And Guich Koock. Dude's still still pissed that She's the Sheriff hasn't come out on DVD yet, so don't even get him started on Carter Country.

That was the one response that I had to actually play for my wife rather than read it to her. Mary just sounds so freaking cute when she's talking about Redford.

I will use this comment as an opportunity to apologize that I didn't get to ask more about BSG, but I'd saved it for last, and just as I was about to utter her character's name, the publicist for TNT popped on the line to say, "We've got time for one more." Which was perfect in theory, except that it killed the

Zoolander was on our original list, but as I recall, it ended up being culled because it was more of a throwaway line than a key moment.

This was obviously an on-topic interview, but I did pitch Random Roles at the end of the conversation, and she claimed to be up for it. Then again, so did Morgan Freeman, and that's yet to come to fruition. But my fingers are crossed, anyway. I dare say that, at the very least, if she makes it back to The Middle,

The documentary that Whoopi's done isn't the end-all and be-all of the Moms Mabley story, as Molly's review clarifies, but I still ended up watching it twice before I hopped on the phone for the interview. It really is quite amazing some of the stuff that Moms got away with saying on television, I'm guessing in some