
Well, "fired" isn't quite the right word: the budget was cut, so Alan Tudyk and Rex Lee didn't have their options renewed as series regulars. But Lee wasn't what you would call a major player, per se, given that he was - at least for the most part - only in the scenes set at Tessa's school, and while I do see Tudyk as

Holy shit, it's like you were in my Sociology class, too. Well, at least the "close to retirement and many years past giving a shit." (Good ol' Mr. Cassell. May he rest in peace.)

Indeed, this is often the case…although I've been doing pretty well lately when it comes to getting longer RR interviews, thankfully. (Probably because I try to avoid settling for less than 30 minutes whenever possible, though that's obviously not always viable when you're catching someone in the middle of a

Meanwhile, the audience who relate most to The Middle don't rank, as their power keeps getting cut off.

As someone who finished his review of The Middle at 2:30 AM, only to get up at 6:15 AM with my wife and daughter, I feel your pain.

Even when I first saw Reality Bites in the theater, I thought Winona Ryder was stupid for dumping Ben Stiller for Ethan Hawke. (In fact, I actually pitched the Winona/Ben coupling for this piece.)

Caught an advance screening of Thor: The Dark World on Tuesday and really enjoyed it. It was about the best sequel I could've hoped for.

I've got the complete-series set for Profit - which, of course, doesn't take up a huge amount of space on the DVD shelf - but I haven't watched it in awhile. I remember that my wife and I blew through it in a weekend when we first bought it, though, and really enjoyed it…and we also really weren't surprised that the

I like Event Horizon. It's not a great film, but the cast sucks me in. Sam Neill is always reliably entertaining when he's going mad.

I am in no way dismissing this piece, but as it happens, I am talking to Beau Bridges today.

Last night, when my wife and I took our daughter trick or treating in my parents' neighborhood, one of their neighbors gave us a snack to keep our energy up: a container filled with a mixture of peanuts and candy corn. I'm not saying the combo would change your position on candy corn, because most people's positions

I don't know about anyone else, but I actually bypassed it because it never occurred to me that someone else wouldn't have been picking it.

This is true. But the word "stardust" remains prominent in either version.

I've talked to the creators about it, and they've admitted they haven't pushed as hard to make KickingItTeenStyle.com a real thing as maybe they should have. But it seems like there's blame to be laid on Warner Brothers, too, who have to own any domain that's mentioned on their shows. If they own it, then they really

I could see Matthew McConaughey as Jim Rockford…and, now that Cody II mentions it, Josh Holloway would be pretty good, too. But Vince Vaughn? Nah.

America is not the world, because the world is full of crashing bores…and America may be a lot of things, but for better or worse, we definitely ain't boring.

There is precisely one thing in this trailer that even remotely feels like it should be in a Mister Peabody and Sherman movie: that "disarming" joke. I can imagine Jay Ward writing that. Otherwise, I did a lot of shaking my head and sighing…mostly over Mister Peabody's voice. Seriously, I love Ty Burrell, but I don't

I still love that movie. I love the book (Legion) more, but George C. Scott is about as good a replacement for Lee J. Cobb as you could hope for, and the return of Jason Miller - credited only as Patient X - is just awesome. Guess I know what I'm watching later today…

I'll have you know that I wrote tonight's review using Microsoft Sans Serif…not that you can tell, because it defaults to something else entirely when you copy and paste. But I know, dammit!

This was one of those "the pay may not be great, but sometimes it's still really good to be a pop culture writer" weekends: I spent Thursday morning through Saturday morning in Fort Worth and Dallas as part of a National Geographic Channel junket for the upcoming documentary JFK: The Final Hours and the TV movie Killin