
If I had any pull, we'd have Random Roles interviews every day. But I love the feature, too, and I'd love to see it come back.

Surely he would have considered Frankie's histrionics during the
ceremony just as mortifying as her appearance at the party in pajamas?

I don't think she's evil, but I don't necessarily agree with her personal politics…or those of at least one of her Twitter followers, who, when she was kind enough to Tweet out the link to this piece, replied, "The comments on that article are wrong. The Middle IS great because it's good, clean HUMOR. Not a

Like I said, I watched Rules of Engagement from the beginning and stuck with it through its run, but the biggest problem I had with the series as a whole is the same one that I think a lot of people had with it: there was a constant awareness at least once per episode, usually after some lame and/or lowbrow one-liner,

That basically sums up my entire online writing career prior to joining the AV Club.

That would've been sweet, to be sure.

The two things I walked away from the Ian Rubbish performance thinking were 1) I'm really going to miss Fred Armisen, and 2) I really, really want a new Michael Penn album.

I'm pretty sure Mike says it's Frankie's dad's boat. I'm not in front of the TiVo right this second to confirm, but there's definitely a line early in the episode where he says they're going fishing in such-and-such's boat.

I'm familiar w/ Senior Ditch Day…or Senior Skip Day, as they called it in my neck of the woods…but the implication was that Axl not having school was something sanctioned. Maybe it varies from school to school, but I distinctly remember our school making an announcement reminding seniors that it was not an excused

He's awesome. I interviewed him when his TV series This Is Tom Jones was released on DVD, and he was great. It also remains one of my biggest disappointments, however, as my recorder didn't work, leaving me forced to scramble to remember what he'd said during the conversation. (Thankfully, he gave me some highly

My goal for the 2013-2014 TV season: Random Roles with Robin Williams. (Hey, my goal for 2013 was getting the RR w/ Jon Cryer, and that worked out all right.)

If so, I'm gonna be pissed. Between him, Tyler Labine, and Stephen Fry, that was one of the pilots I was most excited about seeing. Hopefully the power of Greg Garcia can still secure it as a midseason series at least.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I don't think either of us should get our hopes up quite yet, but… http://twitter.com/MrJonCry…

A medal…? And to think I thought nothing could top this Tweet:

Now that's just a damned fine memory…

No way, I've got dibs!

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Hey, maybe I can moderate! :-)

I don't know where the song falls for you, but my wife and I played "You Gave Me the Answer" during our wedding reception. It's just a perfectly McCartney-esque music-hall sound and sentiment: "I love you and / You, you seem to like me."

I've still got my 3-LP version *and* the original CD reissue. But, damn, that sparkles enough that I might just have to upgrade anyway.

Preachy? Aside from the name of the episode/event and Rev. Tim Tom's brief reference to "the big BFF" (I think that's what he called him), which seemed to be there mostly because A) it started the set-up for the Rev desperately looking for his guitar, and B) that's just the sort of things hip young priests say, there