
Yeah, I meant to mention that. It was beautiful.

They started work on the episode during the last few days of January. I can tell you this because I talked to Dan Fogelman the day before George Takei arrived to film his scenes. Also, can I just say that, wow, he gave up a lot of season-finale spoilers pretty damned early in the game. Shame nobody was paying

That's what you get for malingering.

Another book that I really love that didn't end up making it onto the list: "Tim & Tom: An American Comedy in Black & White." If you're not familiar with it, it's easily found and a highly interesting and entertaining read.

No doubt. Which is why it means so much on the rare occasions when I manage to make enough of an impression that someone remembers me the next time I talk to them. There aren't that many of them, though, and it probably says something that almost all of the ones who do claim to remember me have been nominated for

That happens a lot of times with folks I've interviewed for Bullz-Eye first. So few people seemed to read those pieces (I've received precious little feedback from anyone other than the friends with whom I shared the links) that I feel obliged to ask about some of the same projects a second time in hopes of getting

I met him at Comic-Con a few years back. Super nice guy. In fact, the only autographed picture I paid for that day - a decision aided by the fact that the money was all going to charity - was one of him standing between Big Bird and Oscar, which I had him sign "to the Harris Family."

Adding insult to injury, this happened on the same day of the Television Critics Association press tour that Stephen was there for the Celebrity Apprentice panel. Esposito shook his head after blanking on his name and said, "I can't believe that. I just saw him!"

Actually, there was one occasion when he blanked on an actor's name, but it ended up being excised from the interview. It really made me laugh, though. It was when he was talking about Benicio del Toro talking his gibberish on The Usual Suspects, and he was trying to come up with the name of the cast member who first

You never know. I've reached out to him for an interview before - it's been years, so I think it might've been in conjunction w/ that first (and only to date) season of St. Elsewhere coming out on DVD - and he declined at that time, but it certainly can't hurt to ask.

I said it on Facebook, and I'll say it here: man, would I love to do a Random Roles with William Daniels…

I'm only basing it on a few phoners and a few in-person encounters, but from what I can tell, I think he may well be both.

He might've filmed it in September, but I talked to him in January, at which point I didn't know he'd filmed a reprisal of his role, and since he didn't mention it, perhaps he presumed that it was still under wraps…which is a reasonable presumption, given that his episode wasn't amongst those sent to critics in

I think you may be old enough for senility to be setting in. Or one of us is, anyway. But I'm pretty sure the first guest was Goldie Hawn. Either way, she definitely sang to him when she was on the show, and it was indeed painful.

When Ramis was promoting The Ice Harvest, I suggested to him that Club Paradise might have a shot of someday being appreciated as a lost '80s classic.

For what it's worth, that bit was actually added after I turned it in.

Yeah, that's my doing. I actually got the email referenced in the final paragraph last night and got to work, utilizing quotes from the interview I did with him in 2005.