
I am very pro-Christopher Cross. In fact, I did an interview with him a few years ago that I thought went rather well: http://popdose.com/the-popd…

I actually pitched those very seasons for inclusion. But given that it took 800+ comments for someone to bring up Smallville, I guess they were right to leave it off the list.

You can't tell him what to do.

*Pats shoulder consolingly.*

Ha! I just mentioned above about seeing those two Australian bands together on a double bill. Loved 'em. It blew my mind when I learned that the lead singer of Hunters and Collectors was the brother of one of the guys from Crowded House…a band who, for the record, did a great job of H&C's "Throw Your Arms Around Me"

Shit. Wish I'd remembered that one. I love those guys. I hadn't thought about it in years 'til just now, but I saw a great double bill with them opening for Midnight Oil on the Blue Sky Mining tour.

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus No alcohol involved, to my knowledge, but it wasn't called Random Roles on my site…although, let's be honest, it might as well have been. It was called "That Thing You Did," and I've only ever used the format one other time on my site, so as not to confuse where my

Actually, she was at PBS's day of the TCA press tour. But there was alcohol to be had.

I was not surprised by his answer being The Fugitive. I was, however, surprised when he claimed to call Harrison Ford "HaFo." :-)

For anyone who'd like to read a tiny bit more of the conversation that didn't end up in the piece, along with a couple of quick post-interview stories…

Nah, he smirked when he said "somewhat." I don't know why he's never seen Anchorman, but he referenced a very specific scene from Talladega Nights at one point during our conversation, so he clearly keeps up with McKay's career.

All I know is that, after we'd finished the interview proper, I closed by congratulating on him now having a daughter who's got the lead in a Fox pilot (Delirium), and he got all giddy. So whatever their relationship may be, he's clearly still very proud of her accomplishments.

He didn't go down this road this time, but last time I talked to him, he put a certain amount of blame on the show's director, Ted Wass. (He didn't actually call him out by name, but since Wass directed 64 of the show's 81 episodes, I'm just playing the odds here.)

From my last interview w/ Mr. Roberts:

First thing I said when I was asked by The Powers That Be how the interview went: "Eric Roberts called me 'pal.'" I realize I'm easily amused, but, still, that's the sort of thing you can coast on for quite some time.

Also see above for Roberts' comments about "Mr. Brightside" from my last interview w/ him.

I'd heard that awesome Sterling Hayden story before, which is why I prompted him for it, but he told it slightly differently the last time, with one added line from Hayden that made it ever better: "He said, 'Y’wanna get high with me?' I said, 'No, if I get high, I can’t talk.' And he says, 'Well, I can only talk when

Actually, I just saw that there's a comment beneath the piece @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus cited which features an excerpt from Wanderer which gives a strong idea of what to expect from the book:

If you've never read Hayden's autobiography, Wanderer, you must:

Did it the last time I talked to him: