
This is just further incentive to make that long-threatened Jon Cryer Random Roles interview happen. 2013 is the year, mark my words.

I would settle for doing Random Roles with him. (I will make it so.)

I dare say the fact that Chris Kattan was actually a regular on the show for three seasons is only one of many reasons why the car dealership was finally written out of the show this year.

:::shakes fist at sky::: Damn you, Dan Fogelman! You promised me an exclusive!!!

It can be. But I've got to second @avclub-96d5a6aac738589c6314561f56a8a6c5:disqus  on this one, because…oh, fine, I was going to put this in the Stray Observations, then back-pedaled, but I'll go ahead and drop it here in the comments:

I'm not comfortable speaking to the matter of your deviancy as a couple, but I will say that, at the very least, I did have the words "kinda creepy" in my original notes about her head being on Brick's lap, and I remember thinking, "I don't know if Brick had any odd stirrings while that was going on, but given how his

Looking forward to watching it with my daughter tomorrow.
Also, I had a great chat w/ Dan Fogelman during the TCA tour, and he said that there's going to be some very interesting developments in the season finale that will apparently involve the aliens, the schism in leadership, and the introduction of Larry Bird's

Duly corrected to boxers. Apparently, tighty-whities (or tidy-whities, as I've apparently misheard the phrase for my entire life up until today, so thanks for that clarification, @avclub-9972c46d0d80cfb94c14d0f62345b01e:disqus) is my brain's automatic go-to term for underwear in sitcoms and I guess has been ever since

Can I just tell you that we literally just took our tree down tonight? In a slight defense, I was out of town from Jan. 3 - 17, and my wife wouldn't have been able to get the box into the attic, anyway, so she just left it up. But fuck it, whatever, this is just one of many reasons why I relate so strongly to the

I'm not familiar with that podcast, but thanks for the tip, I'll have to check it out. I worked at a record store (Tracks) off and on from '89 to '93, so lord knows I've got plenty of lost/underrated albums from the early '90s in my collection…

How have I never seen this before? Awesome. Thanks!

Butt Trumpet's got a way with the obscenities, that's for sure, but they're no Life Sex & Death (who, somehow or other, didn't make the cut for that SPIN article):

I've come so far in the realm of not geeking out when I meet actors whose work I adore, but sometimes you just have to out yourself as a fan, and I am most decidedly a fan of Eden Sher. When I saw her later that evening, I said, "Okay, so you're going to go on Twitter later and see that I unabashedly geeked out about

Okay, so my other greatest moment of the TCA tour…?

@avclub-c7c3fc1bf6d887eb7e013ae2a4ce13e0:disqus is correct: we did an interview for Bullz-Eye, and she started following me on Twitter after that.

I will not presume that Season 2 of Enlightened will change your mind about the show, because it may have already become too much of a car wreck in your opinion for you to even return to it, but HBO has already given critics the first six episodes of Season 2 (maybe even eight, but I watched them before I came out

It is possible you're right about the lines, because, yes, Warner Brothers did get me advance screeners of last week's and this week's episodes because they knew I had TCA events both nights. But they were great lines.

Do not be shocked, but…that was mine.

If it makes you feel any better, the creators agree with your rating assessment. :-)