
And such a nice guy, too. My wife and I met him in LA a few years ago, just before Human Target premiered, and she still thinks back to that and says, "I can't believe how creepy he can be. He was just so sweet!" Yep, that's how they get you…

Seeing The Middle get renewed does my heart good. I know the ratings are consistently strong, but it's still so under-discussed that I sometimes worry about it anyway.

I am always 100% in favor of any series starring Tyler Labine. That's just how I roll.

As the AV Club's resident Alcatraz blogger, I will, of course, heartily second this "fuck."

If I'd known about it, I would've asked about it. But now I'm off to educate myself…too late, I realize, but there's always next time.

Don't get me started. I've written a lot of great stuff for Bullz-Eye over the years, and they've always done right by me, but it says everything that the first person I ever interviewed that recognized the name of the site - Ryland Blackinton of Cobra Starship - did so by adding, "For a brief, brief period of time, I

I definitely didn't get that impression. I gladly would've moved off the topic if I'd felt that he felt that way, but if anything, I got the sensation that he hadn't had a chance to really talk about the band in awhile.

And an Episcopalian as the moderator, a fact which became all too clear when I unintentionally made him burst out laughing by initially asking him about "Schmidt's Jewishness." (Thankfully, he knew what I meant and politely, i.e. without actually correcting me, per se, adjusted my phrase to "Schmidt's Judaism" when he

Sorry about that. Does the mention of Modern Men and Raising the Bar still make it count a stealth Random Roles, though? I can never tell what the criteria are for that…

This'll make him seem even nicer: while we were doing the interview, he was also being a diligent daddy and watching his daughter. It caused a few interruptions here and there, but nothing dramatic…and as the father of a 6-year-old girl myself, I was hard pressed to complain, anyway.

My wife and I actually caught a screening of The Avengers earlier in the week, so we decided to give our money to Joss Whedon in a different manner by finally getting around to seeing Cabin in the Woods. My wife found it a little confusing at times, and I can appreciate that, but I thought the concept was pretty

You'll get no argument from me on the point of asking about more semi-obscure projects from an actor's back catalog: I've already posted elsewhere about being bummed at the appalling dearth of No Soap, Radio content.

It may not be the right place, but it's a valid question to ask an actor what he thinks about other people's perceptions of him and/or his work, so I think it's all in when you do the asking. I didn't quite ask that of Harmon, but even when I came close to it, it was at the tail end of the conversation, as Nathan did

Will no one ever ask Guttenberg about his experiences on No Soap, Radio? That's been a joke on The Simpsons, too, you know…

But of course. And No Small Affair and Dudes will be asked of as well. Rest assured that I will make the most of the conversation whenever it finally comes to pass.

Agreed. Oh, and btw, I met and talked to Jon Cryer a few months ago, and he says he's up for doing Random Roles. We probably won't end up doing it 'til late summer, though.

Thanks! I really want to snare him for a Random Roles, because, as I'm sure you saw, he's got no shortage of awesome stories and he's not afraid to be frank.

What, no official "first issue of Avengers you ever bought" thread? I'm damned well starting one, then.

Just to echo a popular sentiment, since it can't really be said enough: