
BTW, the "Family Dog" episode of Amazing Stories, while not on DVD, is available in better viewing quality via streaming on Netflix. Now if only someone would reissue the short-lived series that it inspired: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Very people realize that the show Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman got the inspiration for its title from Annie Potts Annie Potts.

Did a Random Roles with him recently. Keep an eye out for it…

Great stuff. Only thing I would've asked about was her Simpsons episode, wherein as Stacy Lavelle she offers up a line that I still call up regularly:

Yeah, I just interviewed Moffat last week, and he said that he'd been ready for a second series, but they weren't offered one, and he believes that ship has sailed, unfortunately.

And the thing is, DeYoung is - at least based on my phone interview and brief post-show encounter with him - also a really nice guy. But, fucking hell, is he opinionated. We talked for 45 minutes, but I only needed about the first 10 minutes to put together my piece for the Pilot. The rest was mostly he and I

Aside from watching Magic City on Friday and getting a sneak preview of the upcoming season premiere of USA's Necessary Roughness, this weekend was almost entirely about music for me. On Saturday night, my wife and I went to see Dennis DeYoung perform Styx songs with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, and whether you

Actually, it's not, but I should first underline that it was Second Edition rather than Metal Box. If I'd had an actual Metal Box copy, i.e. in the metal tin, I would've kept that just on general principle. But, anyway, even though I've come to appreciate more of the album, I still don't think I need to buy it again,

You know, I have to tell you, that never even occurred to me…which is ironic, since I'm the guy who actually got Larry to talk about Cross's letter. But if Hale's even aware of that situation, it's probably not something he'd have any insight into. I doubt if Cross stalked around the AD set muttering, "Goddamn that

I was actually going to do an over-arcing voice acting question but didn't get to it. Sorry about that.

For what it's worth, I pimped the hell out of that movie both when it hit theaters and when it hit DVD. If you Google "The Goods" and "Bullz-Eye", you'll see I talked to both Alan Thicke and producer Adam McKay. In fact, I think I've probably talked to more people from that movie over the years than any other movie

Thank ye kindly. We probably could've kept going, because he was clearly enjoying talking about a variety of different things rather than just AD and Veep, but, as has been noted more than a few times elsewhere within these comments, his default positions tended to be "that was a lot of fun" and "that was a real

@avclub-95999ca2b8843b5afc101002d749ceb6:disqus: Regent isn't strictly a school of law - I know a few people who've gone on to get their Masters in Journalism from there - but, yeah, it's Pat Robertson's baby. I actually considered trying to get a job at the school once, but you actually had to sign something saying

Yes, yes, I realize my shop could use some fixin'…

I don't know how religious he is for certain, but he did get his masters from Regent University here in Hampton Roads, because when I mentioned that I lived about 15 minutes from one of his alma maters, he told me that he'd worked at Nauticus, playing a mad scientist who would come out and do card tricks. ("You're

Sammy did turn up in Tap a few years later, but it was indeed the last time Frank and Dean were onscreen.

Nice one, Sam. Only thing I'd like to have seen you ask her about that you didn't was Cannonball Run II. Yes, seriously. Given how opinionated she is, I'd just be curious to see what her reaction would be. I could actually imagine her saying something like, "My goodness. Why on earth would you ask about that piece of

Point taken. My apologies. And I, too, am excited at the possibilities for a Booster Gold show. Provided his uniform looks better than it did on Smallville, that is.

I did not miss that, in fact. But it doesn't change the fact that the network still has a steadfast lack of interest in keeping its lineup 100% sci-fi-oriented. It drives me crazy when networks start with a concept - sci-fi, arts and entertainment, classic TV, whatever - and then slowly decide to chip away at that

This is no surprise. I heard the pilot script had problems out the Gazoo.