
As noted below, I did mention it. She laughed and seemed pleased that I was a fan, but then when she tried to come up with the name of her co-star, it took so long - she called the publicist onto the line to assist - that she forgot what I'd brought up and apparently thought we were talking about Dying Room Only

Yep. That biography I mentioned, Center Square, goes into detail about how he was an overweight kid and didn't take off the pounds until some years into adulthood.

Uh, it's a tax thing. My accountant advised it.

Actually, I just remembered a few other pop-culture moments from my weekend that slipped past me.

On Saturday, my wife and I attended Blood on the Beach, a new horror convention in Virginia Beach, which proved to have a huge turnout. Got to meet a few people I'd interviewed for the article I'd written for the local paper and who were kind enough to do Random Roles interviews for future publication (Michael Biehn

You and me both. And her, too, for that matter. I asked in 2010 if she thought we'd ever see her back on 30 Rock, and she said, "You know, everybody asks me this, and I am asking myself the same
question every time. When we did the show, I got so many compliments,
but also from Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, and they

Did you see my link above? :-)

This'll help you stay upbeat, Commenter. (And you, too, @avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus and @avclub-92a972196ae14b06997dc73a44c6cddd:disqus )

I asked Laura Dern about "Wild at Heart."

I interviewed Ms. Rossellini for Bullz-Eye, and by far the greatest moment of the conversation came when I mentioned that, whenever I hear her name, I always think of the way David Letterman pronounces it.

@avclub-72a8ab4748d4707fda159db0088d85de:disqus , you can hit my website - NewsReviewsInterviews.com - and find it. (It's the most recent post.)

No offense taken, and it was - kidding or not - a valid comment. I feel better having made the adjustment. It's all good.

Yeah, 'cause I pull in so much money from a blog with no advertising links. But point taken…and, even if it wasn't intended as a cash-in, I adjusted it nonetheless.

Also, just as a side note, although there's little question that "Down Under" is the definitive Men at Work song, if we're to pay more specific tribute to Ham's efforts, there's two tracks I'd recommend:

I am seriously bummed, partially because Men at Work were one of the first bands that I really got obsessed with, but on a more immediate level, because I freaking talked to Colin Hay this week about Greg Ham, asking if he thought there was any chance of future musical collaborations between the two of them.

I am chagrined that I did not catch the reference, as, yes, @avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus , I am very much a Star Trek fan.

So what you're saying is that it could be a sign of the impending apocalypse if, say, I announced that I was considering collaborating with him on a book about his life and times.

Hey, hey, there's no need for capital letters. I never said I picked the arbitrary number…

I knew you were going to bring up Kevin Pollak…

I did. But I was an unabashed fan of the series, even if I could never really explain why to most people's satisfaction.