
Come on, now, the feature's called "Inventory," not "Definitive List of Everything That Fits Into A Category." But with that said, several of those - along with others cited elsewhere in the comments - were most definitely pitched for inclusion. (I for one threw "Uncle Buck" into the mix as a suggestion.) At some

I didn't change the channel, but I believe I did say something like, "Wow, really?" The death of Vera's dog first episode I could deal with, although it probably wasn't a good thing that it made me think about the tremendous chasm between the killing of a champion race horse in The Godfather and the killing of a

I wanted to wait awhile to respond to this, lest I be accused of getting defensive in the heat of the moment, but to ask a serious question, wouldn't you rather we talk to these actors because they're plugging direct-to-video movies than not talk to them at all?

Yep, the always entertaining Richard Gant. I meant to mention that.

I'm bummed - the man was a legend - but somewhere Nathan Thurm is smiling (and smoking):

I turned it off the minute I realized there was a Gillie sketch. It's on TiVo, so I'll go back and watch "Weekend Update" eventually, but not yet. It's…too soon.

True story, @avclub-adcafef962a8fc2f0a14d26215225b9c:disqus: after he made those comments, I said, "That's a shame you didn't give them any advice, because you'd like to think that someone somewhere would be able to say, 'Everything I know about sex, I learned from Alex Rocco.'" He said, "Oh, my God, that would be so

I don't remember it, but I found out that it's called The Please Watch the Jon Lovitz Special, it aired on Fox in '92, and, like @avclub-ee14c41e92ec5c97b54cf9b74e25bd99:disqus , I now want to see the thing, too.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus / @avclub-1bfb50f8428a734a72e2ace7d8b3166e:disqus  - if you haven't read this yet, let alone heard the accompanying audio clip, you really should:

So you can imagine how I felt a moment ago when I got this email…and, yes, it was really from him:

Of all the great moments in this interview, the single best for me was when he - quoting his wife - said, "“I don’t know if I’m dreamin', but…is that Bob Mitchum coming up the path?” The visual image it conjured up, of Mitchum hauling these two paper sacks full of booze and mixers up to Rocco's front door, was a

Would that I could include the unedited audio of the interview, but trust me when I tell you that there were a lot of personal asides where I kept thinking, "This is one of the best experiences of my career." The best was certainly when we had to split the interview into two calls because he was late calling and I had

Because so few people care, I feel I must reveal this here, where someone will appreciate it: I own a Brak cookie jar. It is one of my most prized possessions.

I know the tragedy of time limitations with these things, but I just can't imagine how many Blossom fans are crying their eyes out that you didn't make time to ask about "My Opinionation."

While I'm sorry to have bummed you out by not asking about Shy People, surely we can agree that not asking about The Goonies would have resulted in far, far more people putting me on their To Be Eviscerated list. It's all about deciding how to make the best use of the limited time you have while still ending up with

On a related note, I got a little giddy a few minutes ago when I saw that Steppenwolf reTweeted the link to the interview.

Nope. When I asked about her parents and her reply specifically involved the words "my mother" without any mention of her father, I didn't feel like there was much point in even bringing him up.

The first time I ever talked to Garret Dillahunt was immediately before the premiere of Raising Hope, and although he mentioned how he'd come close but had never worked with Martha before the series, he made a point of adding, "You know, I killed her dad on Deadwood."  He seems very proud of it.

In a nutshell, I asked about The Mosquito Coast first, and then after I asked the question about her professional relationship with River Phoenix, I said something like, "And you obviously worked well together as actors, because you also did Running on Empty." And she said, "That's right," and that was the end of her

Watched John Mulaney's stand-up special New in Town and have now decided that he's one of my favorite comedians. Also on that list: Bobby Slayton, who I went to see perform in Virginia Beach last night. He's honing his new special, which he's recording in Cleveland in two weeks, and he's still just as funny as he ever